
the town i went to college in got a hooters while i was a student. I went there with my girlfriend only one time but we both really enjoyed it. We thought the food was outstanding. Several years later, i was traveling for work. The restaurant i was staying at had a hooters right next door. I thought i’d try it. Man,

i like this theory. Modine is a somewhat big name actor and he barely had any lines or screentime in the first season. I could see him coming back for a bigger role. 

in her apology she insults the 3 black women and then apologies to everyone EXCEPT the 3 black women she said the n word to. 

Its not really stick to sports and more “stick to politics i agree with.” We hear constantly who cares what these hollywood celebrities have to say about politics but those very same people were falling all over themselves to welcome kanye to their side when he put on his MAGA hat. There has been non stop stories over

this is ridiculous. Deep red states aren’t deep red because the right liberal hasn’t run yet. You have to run the right campaign in these states. Our liberal utopia that future president warren will usher doesn’t happen unless candidates like mcgrath beat the mitch mcconnells of the senate

i will say 5 more minutes but then i will start a timer on my phone. Ill give them updates but when the timer goes off they know its time to go. 

my son used to like evantube. I was wondering about what that family is going to be like as they get older. evan will get to the point where he is too old for toy videos or going to not want to film videos everyday and just be a normal teenager. But since he is the families sole source of income he will feel obligated

my biggest problem with peppa pig is she calls her dad a fat piece of shit in nearly every episode. “oh daddy pig you can’t jump in the puddle. your tummy is too big.” stuff like that. 

Everyone outside of New England & St Louis were rooting for the rams. Everyone outside of LA fully expected the Patriots to win.

that line and then the story towards the end kind of makes me think its something with his family. Drew is really open about everything except his family. 

im a big fan of their mustard sauce 

Billy Joel had a kid at 67 or 68. Good chance billy will be dead before the kid finishes high school. having a baby at that age is cruel

i have no interest in this show but I am curious to see kareem dance with a 5 foot tall dancer.

given that michael bay produced a quiet place and looks like he will be behind this new movie, it could be that Michael Bay only agreed to produce a quiet place if krasinski would star in his benghazi movie.

at what age do people start randomly capitalizing words in politically charged posts on social media? seems like its something everyone over the age of 50 does

I’m with you. I had for years heard how amazing CFA is. I read about a highly rated college football player who chose the school he did because they had a CFA on campus. When the gay marriage donation thing happened, i remember seeing people comment online saying they were gay and thought it was awful but the waffle

yeah its not close either. I’ll stop whatever i’m doing and join the kids if they are watching inside out. finding nemo is just background noise.

also repeating over and over that its a mental health issue while cutting mental health funding

a mass produced one I didn’t think would be good but i have found out is great is the pitmaster series from heinz. I really like the kansas city and the carolina mustard sauces

hard to see ol’ donnie trump recovering from this misstep