
this is true. you see a lot of people saying this is why trump won in response to whatever liberal action being taken place. Never forget that the GOP had been campaigning against hillary for damn near 25 years. She wasn’t popular. Obama running for a third term would have probably destroyed trump. Most any generic

im an accountant. people in my field absolutely love the ben affleck movie The Accountant.

my dad was a doctor and wouldn’t watch ER because it was like watching a bad day at work


the number of hands the lady with the red hair has is freaking me out

didn’t most of those characters leave for different jobs at the end of the series? I don’t see how jim and pam, now living in austin texas, would go back to their paper sales jobs in scranton.

yeah there probably is. i don’t feel weird seeing madonna grind up against a young guy. Seeing an older guy grind against a younger woman will always feel weird.

i think his problem is he is too old for the music he makes. guys in their late thirties can’t be making the same kind of dance music that he was making 15 years ago. Your music has to age with you. seeing him gyrate against women in their 20s at the super bowl felt weird to me. You got a wife and kids now. Time to

ah. my mistake

is that a confederate flag behind him in the picture?

her vulgar ad libbed lines absolutely kill me. Like the principals office scene from this is 40. I think a lot of her lines from spy where like that too

well i guess now we will never know if the earth is round.

can’t wait for some dick head white guy to try to go to the movie and cry racism when he isn’t allowed in. Some alt right guy did that with a womens only wonder woman showing over the summer.

I don’t have time to read this right now but i suggest listening to “the problem we all live with” from this american life. It shows white women still defending segregation under the guise of safety.

under president clinton, there would be countless house and senate investigations into her emails. Maybe even Robert Mueller would be looking into the Clinton Foundation right now. The GOP controlled house and senate wouldn’t even consider her legislation and we might still have an 8 justice supreme court. Given her

a month or two ago some russian troll site made an article saying that seth rogan, james franco and miley cyrus had been arrested in an attempt to assassinate trump. clearly bullshit right? the facebook thread it was on overwhelmingly believed it. It was of course a liberal media conspiracy that it wasn’t being

i think they should have had leia be the one to crash into Snoke’s ship. It would be a great end for her character, sacrificing herself for the greater good, and they wouldn’t have to CGI her into episode 9. I didn’t care much when laura dern died, I would have cared a lot and been touched if leia had died.

#2 might have been my favorite thing about jackass. There were plenty of other shows that did similar stunts but they didn’t have that genuine bond that the jackass guys had. Thats what made all of their spinoffs so successful.

on quick glance i thought that was a picture of cardi b and a little kid. bruno can’t be taller than 5 feet

he was for medicare for all during the early parts of his campaign. I think he even said that during the first GOP debate