
I also hate pigeon-holing myself into using one single OS. I'm excited for Windows 8 too. I use a MBP for my laptop, but a WinXP at home as a desktop, a Win7 laptop that I borrow from my sister and use sometimes, and I totally intend to get a windows phone once I start earning and have some money to spare. I mean, the

This was a pretty cool article, specially since I started reading LH less than a year ago.

The muting does not work on Mac OS X computers. Hence, we actually need to do the code thing they had on lifehacker earlier (or install StartNinja or StartupSound prefpane or something)

The 100 ideas method is the one highlighted in this article— you brainstorm by forcing yourself to think of 100 ideas on the subject on which you are having a mental block, even if some of them are what you would call "bad ideas". Because, as ivyjel says, by the time the 100th idea rolls around, you are bound to find

That's a really good concise way to deal with burnout or even a whole lot of stress. Thanks for that. Maybe I should adopt some of those into my daily life (like 2, 4, 5 and 6) to deal with the extreme stress I think myself into every other week.

I've always associated a lot of the symptoms of burnout listed here with periods during which I'm highly productive, and have the most success at school. This probably means I don't have burnout, right? I suppose some of these symptoms are more important than others, like feelings of stagnation or apathy towards

Huh, doesn't Om stand for all of the energies of the universe, as embodied by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (creater, protector and destroyer), or just all of the energies in non-Indian Buddhism and Jainism, and not just positive energies? I thought the whole point was that it signified the whole, and not just the good

Oh sorry, lack of comprehension on my part. I thought you were refering to all Creoles and not just to Beyonce's mother.

I suppose I have a couple of things to add. I assume you live with your parents or a guardian of some sort. In that case, enlist their help in improving your health. Tell them to join you in not buying any junk food for a couple of months (or, at least, cutting down on it) Most families would be happy to oblige. (We

In my HP heyday, I saw the craziest ships ever. Like, Dean Thomas and Draco Malfoy crazy (I mean, seriously, they've never even spoken to each other except in an exchange of insults and glares, and now they're all lovey-dovey?)

it does mean more than just the Louisiana Creoles, there are people in Mauritius, in Sierra Leone, in Indonesia, in Belize and in Suriname who are also creoles. Wikipedia says it refers to people born with in a colony with foreign (often colonizer) ancestry. It's also widely used in the carribean, specially in french

Yep, they pretty much are. I cut them up and then act as if they're cupcakes. I'm a weirdo. I follow the cupcake recipes I find online, though, rather than the cake recipes. Even though there's prolly no difference :P

You can make macarons? I bow before thee, OH GREAT GOD(DESS) OF BAKING! Worshipful Mistress/Master, bless me so that thy great baking skills rub off on me.

I am pretty sure cupcakes are on their way out and are being replaced with macarons, if foodgawker and tastespotting submissions are any indication.

I think the french baked goods are macarons with one 'o', while the toasty coconut ones are with two 'o's. I think macarons are already the new cupcakes of the bakery world.

I don't even get how she looks middle-aged. She glows and has georgeous skin and hair, and looks like she's 22 to me. And I didn't even realize she was supposed to be considered "little too fat" til Sucky McSuckface* just went around mouthing off about it.

"We all are entitled to find and fulfill our personal happiness." and "I think this world might be happier if ladies did stay home cooking and cleaning" do not coexist. If I, a woman, stay and home and do the cooking and cleaning, I'd be effing miserable. So your idea of happiness is being at home, but that's not

Let England Shake was so bloody good, I've listened to it on repeat for several days.

I once heard that in a court in India, a couple that wanted to get a divorce were sentenced to a court mandated holiday in a seaside resort, to see if they could sort things through. I think this judge might have taken his tips from that one, actually.

I am so grossed out by this thread, I'll probably have to go out and start hoeing my own vegetable patch or something. Seriously :/