
You mean, fizzingwhizzbee's celebrity boyfriend, don't you? :P

My undergrad university did not do this, but one of our History profs had an awesome dog! He would just hang in the humanities department in the floor where the prof's office was. It was cool

There are a couple of formulaic, trite mystery books too. Generally, either they must be stuff people wouldn't usually pay for, or on the public domain (Dickens, Dostoyevsky, Poe, Conan Doyle and so forth) to be available for free. They wouldn't be giving it for free if they could actually sell it for money.

I think that could be said of the internet in general, actually.

Me too! I buy them because I have baby cousins who sell them, but I don't find them anything special

Wait? Moderation and sensible food choices are a thing? My mind is truly blown!

I'm eligible to be a citizen of four nations.

Hilary Clinton is in West Bengal (the state of India that borders Bangladesh). She's helping resolve issues between WB and Bangladesh about sharing the waters of a river called Teesta (I think there's a new dam being built in WB and Bangladesh is upset and wants WB to leave more water for them) : here and here


When I moved to India in the 9th grade, I found that they made us write letters in english classes (my US english classes never made us write letters). And one of the rules was that if we spoke to someone superior in position to us, then use more passive voice and formal language. When I went to college and started

This is a day late, but once JKR was asked if she Sirius Black was sexy, and she was all "of course he is!"

We had a cat at home that did the exact same thing. However, she would just lift the edge of her tail in warning mere seconds before she did it. It was weird, because she was super cuddly, and would come and headbutt our hands to pet her all the time. And then nip us.

Enid Blyton was progressive? Sorry, but in what way?

I think she's talking about the Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian and far predates the US.

You need the one that says "Gawker Media" not [] to post on all the Gawker Media sites. It's got a white and black logo.

Incredible India, land of the B cuppers. No wonder I am a small boobed person. It's them genes, I tell ya, being party poopers all the time.

Until they herald you for your wit, here's a heart. That was brilliant!

This is only for LAX, but this airport is pretty child-friendly. No one spends time groping you (they always make me go through the children's pat down rather than the scanner ) it's a quick pat and done. Hell, Indian airports have stricter patdowns than LAX. They are also quite considerate of disabilities, from what

I actually have never had any male person comment on my appearance. I think it's because of two things: 1) No one considers me even remotely date-worthy, I am terrible looking and well, I guess I give off a no-nonsense vibe. Guys in my lab sometimes say stuff about dating preferences but so do the girls, and no one

I found Secret Son (written by Laila Lalami, who was born and rasied in Rabat). I like reading about culture through fiction much better than through socio/anthro type books.