
What character is Viola Davis in Ender's Game?

Plain oatmeal in a microwave only takes two minutes. Add milk for a more chewy texture, and then top with fruit.

Thanks! Got that to work :)

Apparently [] had the same problem when installing python that I'm having with dropbox. I'm slightly cheered, there must be a solution somewhere around for this. More searching (duckduckgoing? xP )

Ah, I checked that thread out, and made no headway with that. I also saw like 50 other threads about dropbox and none of them actually solved my problem.

Anyone here uses the tiny Linux distro SliTaz ? I could use some help installing dropbox on it (it's on an ancient computer I used to own, hence such a small OS and not something like Ubuntu or Mint)

Do you think the space will go away if the photos/videos are deleted from dropbox in the future?

Sometimes, when I make pasta, it ends up looking like chicken mediterranean from Lean Cuisine. I will now hang my head in shame and slink away.

"they think they look great and everybody else thinks so too". This is really really true, I find. Georgeous is mostly in the confidence, I'm finding. Which makes me slightly sad for the last 20 years of being "wahh-me-so-ugly" but hey, better late than never, I suppose.

Oh I hear ya. I get why you raised the point, and I think it's completely valid too. But I think writes really like alliteration, which is what I was tring to say.

Wait. Do these things actually get printed in the paper version, would you know?

I think it was just for the alliteration.

Yeah, I wasn't sure if the doctor was being sarcastic or not, but I assumed s/he was. Otherwise, it would be just plain weird to have her/him as a doctor.

If someone starts a Pink Chaddi* type campaign against the censor board (maybe bras this time, dildos are hard to get in India probably), I'll willingly send over a large number of them from the other side of the planet.

This is so bloody stupid. The censor board was made for the British to control what Indians could or could not see, and we still haven't been able to get rid of it all these years later.

Actually I personally have never had a prof refuse to give us slides in advance, but I think some profs don't do that to avoid students not going to class. Or so I've heard.

"30 is the new 70" hahaha. Thanks for the major laughs, random person! (I was about to say "mate" but in keeping with the spirit of this article, modified it )

" But anyways, I'm proud to say I tend to be very good at seeing if I'm wrong and admitting it. Thankfully 99% of the time I don't have emotional attachment to my ideas, and personally can't relate to stubbornly holding onto ideas. To me, the day you do that is the day you stop learning. Makes no sense."

I feel like I'm the last person who should be dispensing advice on here, and this sounds sort of stupid writing down, but for me, listening to my body is a good way to stay at my best health. The way I see it, I feel uncomfortable when I eat a giant amount of dessert, or when I eat nothing at all/restrict calories, so

Are you in a different timezone? I'm curious about this Saga of Mistaken Clocks