
Sometimes, if you ask a professor, they'll upload the slides before lectures. So then you can just take the slides printed out or in your e-device of choice and take notes next to the slides. I find that more useful than scrambling to write down what's on the slide, missing what is said, and then going back to your

There's a windows software called Dimmer that my sister uses on Win7 because her screen is way too bright, it just puts a tint on the screen and stops assaulting your eyes.

Oh my goodness, I did this too. And for me, I'm the only person alive with my first name, so it's additionally awful

That is the first thing I always notice about her, too. They're mesmerizing.

OOOOH, what field what field?

This thread is a 100 different kinds of awesome. I am totally going to google more haircuts for my face type/ ask for suggestions and suchlike, and get an actual haircut.

Somehow I never even thought of changing it up! For someone who hopes to spend the rest of her life in research, I sure am short on ideas....

I actually have the exact opposite thing: with longish hair, I look like a strange hairy monster. My face has a high length: breadth ration, and shorter hair actually makes me recognizably girly. This would be nice, except my mum didn't let me grow my hair out until college (I swam in school, and my mum said she

Oh man, this is pretty awesome! Thanks for my next wallpaper :)

OOOH, my Indian parents did the same. Apparently, in India, young girls have their hair short most of the time, and then when they're like in 6th grade or so, most start growing their hair out. Or so my mum told me. This is pretty interesting, considering India's like super gender-normative as a rule.

AAAH, that's a a really pretty dress! I have one similar, and I want to recommend the store to you because it was like $50 there, but it was in Bombay :( Unless, wait, do you live in Bombay? In that case I can totally give you directions.

As a 20 year old, I think parenting is not one-size fits all. My parents were completely different when it came to my sister and me, because we are fundamentally different people. They did this without us ever feeling like they were favouring one or the other, or something like that. Parents know their kids better

If Bill was symbolic for him and a companion, in his mind the new puppy might have more of a link to Bill (being from the same country) and therefore, might serve Cathe Poppins ideas better (you know, good momento from bitter period). Surely, nothing prevents the good Sgt. from adopting future puppies from the US

I think what Nic10 was saying is that since Seal and Klum were married for the same time as Pitt and Jolie are together, Seal and Klum were probably together longer, since hopefully they didn't get married right off at the start of their relationship.

They'd probably hop onto a plane to Canada/Mexico if abortion was abolished in the US. Because Ireland used to have thd no-abortion thing and people went to England if they needed/wanted one.

Aww, poor little girl. When I was a girl, I hung out with a lot of boys, and so I dressed like them. Fortunately, my mum was cool with it. Even though I've now grown up into a dressy-tops-and-dresses loving girl, the memories of messy shorts and muddy hands are treasured times. For me and for my parents. And yes,

This kind of female infanticide happens all the time in India. I have an acquaintance who found a day old girl left on an ice-cold blanket by the side of the road. They ultimately adopted her (my acquantainces, I mean). It's apparently pretty common in rural India. Before sex-selection was common, people did this all

What is more likely to happen in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) is that the girls will be forced to marry more than one man , sometimes brothers and stuff. It also happens in some places in India, actually.

I wish Google allowed us to delete google services from our profile more often. Just because I once looked at using the Calender doesn't mean I want to keep using it, so why can't it just be removed from my account? This annoys me a fair bit.

Sorry wrong comment. Could someone please delete this comment?