
Apparently, both Radcliffe and Wood also get mistaken for Toby Macquire (the Spiderman guy, sorry if I spelt it wrong)

Radclifee once said that he often gets mistaken for Wood. And asked for autographs as Wood. And signs as Wood because he's afraid no one would know who he is if he said he was Radcliffe instead. (This is sometime ago).

I just wanted to add to the droves of people recommending Duck Duck Go as an alernative search engine. I just tried out a couple of searches and it's as good as google in every aspect. It does the time zone conversions, measurements and everything. It also shows results from Wolfram Alpha along with the search links.

Just wanted to say that this is a pretty good idea. I'm going to do the same thing, except using Apple's Address Book feature.

The fist and thumb measurements always seem sketchy to me, because they vary with size of a person's hand. I like to go by the Stomach Rule: My tummy tells me to stop eating, and I obey promptly. Similarly, when my tummy tells me to start eating, I also follow promptly.

This is one of the best things I've ever read on the topic. I mean, you messed up, now stand up and take the flack for it, admit to having made a mistake and ensure that you never ever do it again. That's the only possible thing that would get the University any good press.

That happens to me too. I know that it not possible to make sure everyone sees your way, but sometimes I see red over commenters and it annoys me because it's silly to even care about them, but I can't help but care that they're so impervious to reason, and some of them will just dig in their heels and stick their

And this is where being 2 years younger than Mr Radcliffe comes in useful. He was my first ever crush (and a very long one, thanks to my all-girls school :/ )

I always stick my tea cup into a bowl of cold water for like 5 seconds, but that's prolly because I dislike cleaning out those ice-cube holder thingums.

I am really small, but this happens to me all the time. It's like the guys next to me always think, "oh, she's tiny, she doesn't need much space, let's use all her leg space and elbow space for myself" However, a couple jabs with my bony elbow and they usually go back to their own space.

Plus, Ivy sounds like a great first name. Not wanting to be a Negative Nancy, but Blue is a strange first name to have.

I suppose I'm a special case, but I split my days between Asia and North America, so having a phone that only works in North America is not useful for me (Asian countries work on a different bandwidth). So I buy free phones that come with the network connection and I intend to buy a tablet so I don't have to lug a

Katy Perry had an Indian wedding. NOT a Hindu wedding. Unlike the rest of the world, Indian Hindu weddings vary by region, and it was more that she had a big fat Rajasthani wedding than a Hindu wedding. She could easily have had a priest officiate at that wedding, with Christian vows and everything.

But then, if you lose weight, you'll have to start buying smaller clothes, specially when the bigger ones make you look like a flagpole covered in a pillowcase (that look should be in fashion. I'd be rocking it.)

Those are some amazing pictures!

Do you have the original install disks for Snow Leopard? You could try using the "Optional Installs" on there to get iPhoto back in your system (and then get a software upgrade to make it compatible with Lion, if need be.) disappeared when I went from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and that's how I got it back. I

Bruce! It's what I'd name my car when I buy one.

I agree. My mum gained some weight after her hip surgeries (she was bony and rail thin before) and the hugs got way better. It's great when I get to be home for christmas and can sometimes cuddle up with her, because SO WARM.

For people who feel like they need to read every single item in their RSS reader, it's good advice to not subscribe to stuff you have a passing interest in. Like, if you don't check the website everyday, don't add it to your RSS reader. Bookmark it under a "leisure" folder, and when you want to waste time, go there!