
They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

LW3: On the iPhone at least, you can put a single convo on Do Not Disturb. Learning this changed my life. I almost never had my phone on sound (until I got my Wonder Woman theme ringtone), but it vibrates with every message and even in regular hours group texts stress me out, all that buzzing while I’m trying to do

Anyone surprised? From the Gospel of Timothy:

You shut your whore mouth.

I thought he was the blandest and least interesting presence in Night Manager. It convinced me he’d be a terrible Bond.

He won’t be around in a few years. He’s on a mission to commit career suicide so he’ll date Selena Gomez next.

A couple things:

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

Wait wait wait wait wait... Blac Chyna’s mom’s name is *Tokyo Toni*? Why she didn’t name her daughter Shanghai Sally then? What is uh, what is behind these names?

So,Tamacoochi then?

Nope, I still feel bad for them. Nothing deserves to suffocate to death on a highway, even terror-mouthed slime-nightmares.

I’m so sorry, I’ve never seen anything that made me feel so immediately old in my life. Except maybe walking around on campus (I work in a university medical plaza) and watching the ROTC herds go jogging by while I’m in my frumpy office sweater and sensible sneakers.

is it white people? it’s white people isn’t it.

Celine is serving up drama.

Zomg! Adorable!! Do you have an IG account? I follow tons of foster acccounts. Pet thread maybe? Here are my boys :

I would be super into John Boyega as Bond, but there’s no way they’d cast him while he’s still doing Star Wars.

I have some strange and possibly perverse advice: do some weight training. The extra muscle mass requires food in a way that doing cardio does not, and may prompt you to eat more. Here’s an interesting question: do you just not have much of an appetite, or do you eat a bunch of food and just not retain all of it?

Is it just me or is the new director of the CDC...not terrible? A pro-vax advocate who thinks that abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor is about the best we could hope for under this administration.