
One more time: it’s not a trial, it’s a job interview.

Who let you out of The_Donald?

Nah, the most obnoxious people on the internet are the ones who have nothing to add to the discussion but do do so anyway. You know, like DC fans popping into an Avengers article to bitch about how many Avengers articles there are, or some rando using outdated stand up comedy bits to bitch about the website they could

Their “both sides are turd sandwichs” got Trump elected

Straight dude just can’t figure out why a slur that demeans an entire group of people is a big deal these days

What the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah it’s crazy that people focus on the abuse of a child when somewhere a grown man might be suffering in heroic silence. Why are kids so special?

“It’s fine to harass a 14 year old girl, MEN get harassed online too!”
~a bunch of fucking losers on the internet, sadly

But what about the men!!!???

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Walters has also been acting longer than Bateman has been alive. If she says this behavior is the worst she’s experienced on a project then I’m inclined to believe her.

Bad and lazy take. Listen to the audio. Jessica Walter explains through tears that Tambor verbally harassed her to an extent no one else had in 60 YEARS on the job, and Bateman and the other guys talk over her about how it actually is understandable because acting is “such a weird job,” the creative process, etc.

What the fuck is even your point? You didn’t give a single example, but you seem pretty self-satisfied.

The irony of you throwing a tantrum about other people’s feelings can be seen from space.


Shut the fuck up, you dumbshit. Is that sensitive enough?

Have you seen the documentary? It’s not as hyper-sensitive as you may think.

This isn’t even good pseudoscience. Antibodies don’t digest anything. Ever.

Sorry, but your comments on left-right gun control equivalency are fucking laughable. Alt-Right like idiocy detected.

“Progressives” who call Trump and Hillary the same thing are too ignorant to be worthy of the name.

What does that even mean? He called her a “fellatrix,” for god’s sake, and then went on to talk about how she’d dated a series of rich, successful, influential men, all of whom dumped her.