Nothing in the phrase is untrue. Sorry reality doesn’t align with your world view.
Nothing in the phrase is untrue. Sorry reality doesn’t align with your world view.
I don’t think this movie is about what you think it is about.
That’s because Wes Anderson invented the word. When he couldn’t think of ‘shimmering’.
“At 24/25, Page was no longer a girl and had the maturity to turn down a Woody Allen film if she so wished.”
Well, thanks goodness some dickbag on Kinja knows Ellen Page better than she knows herself.
It would be a lot better if he didn’t feel a need to mention how “admired” he is in the community on 4 different occasions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I don’t particularly like horror movies, but I do enjoy reading their detailed synopses on Wikipedia. And then never watching the movie.
Now, don’t be disgusting.
I’ve got my problems with the new A.V. Club, but...I’m not seeing this. The single worst thing about Maher is his fucking stupid Bill-Maher face, and the A.V. Club does not even have a face, really — and if they do, it’s not his (I disabled my ad-blocker to make sure). So, no.
Call for help.
Nothing’s more “dab” than promising not to text and drive. You’ll be “gangnam style” with all your friends. Tell your “bae” pals on MySpace to take the pledge, just like “Pickle Rick!”
Please don’t start any blasphemous rumors.
Maybe it’s because I’m a girl but I think Beth Smith (or is it Sanchez again?) is so fascinating in that she’s got all of her father’s worst qualities - the drinking, the lack of parental instincts, the irrational attachments - and the toxic, sexist part of the fanbase seems to recognize those as flaws in her, but not…
This is a little out there, but Rick and Morty fans remind me of the early rise of “internet atheism” which isn’t really a belief in atheism but more so an attempt to cling to something that makes themselves feel smart.
I’m reaching, sure, but so are R&M fans.
You’re right. She should...take this article defending Louis CK down? Maybe you should take some anger management courses?
(Also, Katie was around constantly pre-Kinja. She’s been here for a long time.)
Learn to read, be nicer to people and maybe check out some court documents, because gawker did not get shut down for libel.
Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth
Cool about your opinion.
+1 “so much for the tolerant left”
I have a bit of knowledge—I went to a Jewish school from K-8, but we didn't get into the divisions at what's probably a college-level ethnography. Judaism had, for a while, three main branches, and now four: Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Orthodox. All four are "regular" Jewish, but they have different…