
I think either your keyboard or your brain is broken.  It could be both; I’m not an expert in either.

You don’t seem quite ok. 

I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

First piano notes on Mellon Collie. Grand opening to a masterpiece. 

This. Does the entire world think that overweight and obese people don’t know the consequences of being overweight? Lindy West has an excellent discussion of this in her book Shrill. It’s like Jillian Michaels and everyone thinks they’re giving you some enlightening feedback, when really it’s just a reminder that they

#1 cause of bankruptcy?! I’m a fat person, and I find that statement to be the most offensive. The #1 cause of bankruptcy is our predatory for=profit healthcare system. Not all sick people get sick because of their diet. Often the people who go bankrupt aren’t fat people, they are people with unavoidable illnesses.

I’m not going to argue that there aren’t health problems that come with obesity, but I am going to argue that most people who bully/concern troll people about their weight don’t actually care about the health problems. They just think that being fat is at best a humiliating flaw and at worst a moral failing.

I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life and one of the biggest reasons that I did not go to the gym was fear. Not fear of the equipment or working hard. Fear of people thinking I was lazy or not willing to try or gross because I was fat. I’ve luckily found a gym that is supportive, but when someone talks like she

To quote a great movie: Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Joey this was a really thought provoking and good thing you did. It exposed a blindspot it turns out I had too, and I learned a lot listening to you gracefully navigate this very difficult situation.

I’d rather have seen a sequel to Adventureland.

Really, you’re going to jump on the director of “Do The Right Thing” for not being woke enough? Fuck right off.

1. I don’t have your contact information and don’t want it, thank you.

“forced down our throats”

Jesus Christ, HOW? HOOOOOW?

We elected Trump. We deserve MUCH less than “good luck.”

Boy. The Russian bots are in full force tonight, huh?

Okay, I’ll bite.

Every POTUS so far has been an imperialist and war criminal, which should make the observation with regard to one or another pretty banal in the scheme of things. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying there’s not really a point to bringing it up.

He would have just pardoned himself, right? Because the President can totally pardon himself, right? Like, you could have the most corrupt president in history, and he could fill his cabinet with crooks and liars, and maintain secret business relationships with a hostile foreign power that may or may not have used

I wonder if any of them will call me a soyboy again and tell me to kill myself. And then I see this same person have tens of stars. And I flag and nothing happens. And I email the help desk, and nothing happens. Kinja’s a great commenting system.

Fuck this show and fuck anybody out of touch enough with the world to think there’s a single high school or institution in America not ruled be straight cis men.