
This Campaign is killing me (and I)
I must confess, I can’t decide (can’t decide)
The GOP makes me lose my mind
Give me a siiiiiiign
Give me, Clinton, one more time

Now playing

I usually don’t answer this question, because too often this has been a way for berniebros on the internet to try to qualify my admiration of her work and try to “educate” me on how I should vote. You can see how as a woman I find this to be so so problematic and an indication of what we are up against and exactly how

What is it about Clinton that you find disingenuous? Not that I really think personality should trump qualifications or positions on the issues.

I actually love when people play music out loud and walk around boom box-style because it allows me to pretend I’m in a movie set in the Bronx circa 1992.

Ooo! Piece of candy!

While I don’t dig the clear Bernie bias in the following Paste article (nor in this Jezebel article either...”the excellent campaign”?), I did find the q&a on the history and relative lack of importance of superdelegates to be informative:…

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

I hate seeing this argument, and please excuse any of the snark I use; I’m not angry at you.

Yas! That show is the BOMB. Probably the most underrated show in television. It is absolutely perfect.

Oh man watch her in Being Mary Jane, SHE KILLS IT. Every episode I’m pretty much blown away, she is gorgeous and I want Mary Jane’s entire wardrobe

“Flippant?” I’m sure there are more apt descriptions of those tweets, but I think I’ll be sourcing them from Merriam-Webster, assholes.

People on this site really disgust me, the way they are responding to you. People want to believe soooo much that racism isn’t based on white supremacy, when there is no other such kind of racism. Racism between two non-white groups is still based on and caused by the set-up of white supremacy, given that the system

“did claim he was illiterate.”

Sean Penn or El Chapo?

I was born without an inside voice. So me shouting at someone on my cell phone in an enclosed space is not rude. Seriously. Please quit judging us on this.

I don’t even understand the explanation. So they’re say because the top half of your body is wider than the bottom half you have to make the bottom half bigger so no one what? Wedges them self under your shoulder area?