
HAHA!! I was close :) And yes, I’m pretty quickly obsessed with it. I think it’s because of the chemistry of the two of them! It does remind me of early Grey's now that you say that. Hopefully the pace and passion doesn't fizzle out like it did on Greys :(

I think you said it exactly right, I have a lot of friends in their 40s and there is no difficulty connecting or meeting on equal terms. So I guess I assumed that goes for men too, but I definitely understand what you’re saying. And I’m seeing it more as general terms of people dating another person older than them,

Yeah, I don’t even watch regularly but caught some of the prior week and so last Thursday I watched waiting for the Catch Me show (I don’t even think that's what it's called and I actually really like it). And DAAAAAAAMMMNNNN was that emotional! All the flashbacks to lil kid Jake and then to his training with her Dad.

I can see that. I just feel like when I’m 40 I'll sort of bristle at a 30 yr old who thinks they're in such a different place. But by then, maybe I actually will be in a different place and it will be true! I just work with a lot of people older than I am and have dated men older than I am and that was an issue in my

LOL, glad I as a woman was able to mansplain to you as a whatever you are. Considering this is a piece written by an American and the OP mentioned living in Michigan, I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume you were talking about a US city. But if you want to take this story and extrapolate it to a situation in which

I have a hard time with dogs that breathe audibly so I get this. I watched the Nova special on dogs and was horrified by the shit that we do to dogs in the name of breeding. Apparently a lot of bulldogs can't even give birth naturally because their shoulders are bred to be so wide that they don't fit through the birth

Am I the only one who appreciated his falling over his own feet like a big puppy?? Here is the recap:

Yeah, that’s the real issue to me too. I don't see the issue otherwise, but having to be a caregiver and possibly go through a partner's death when you're so young is the hard part.

Wait, you can't imagine dating someone who is 40? I'm 30 too and I can't imagine dating a 20 yr old but a 40 yr old?? Eff yes! I've always kind of been attracted to "older guys" though, meaning over 30 which to me isn't old.

Yeah, when even conservatives are calling for reductions in our defense budget you know there is something wrong. Not to mention the total lack of oversight on their spending anyway. And then conservatives have the audacity to say our national debt is because we give too much money to the poorz and the illegalz

Most states restrict what can be purchased with food stamps or even with actual cash assistance a family might receive. They don’t just get a check, it’s like a debit card that is only accepted for certain items. FYI, a lot of people who receive welfare assistance work and still fall under the federal poverty

You realize this didn’t close down public toilets, right? It just meant they couldn’t charge for them. So it’s not like there used to be all these public toilets that are no longer there so your comment isn’t really applicable here. The issue of having adequate public toilets outside in public spaces is a separate

I have 2 boucle pencil skirts and I feel like a kick ass Jackie O when I wear them. Love this style

HHAhaa! He packed like he’s a 9 yr old running away from home

I'm guessing it's a sub that he is subscribed to. And thought if he could just impartially lay their ideas on the table, people would see they are reasonable and not a "hate group". Because if it were the opposite (to impartially show how batshit crazy they are), the statement would have been completely different. He

This is the funny part - it makes me think that he “found the support boat” on Craigslist and left it in his garage. He’s like “Support Boat - check" while packing his ball and setting off alone.

Good to know. Thanks for filling in the blanks for me

Yeah, I just watched that with the sound off and he seems fairly harmless. Was this video another annoying use of a subculture’s aesthetic? Yes. But he just looked cute and silly and harmless. At least they didn’t dress either of them in some kind of “Traditional” outfit. What I mean is that I understand people who

FUuuuuuuck YES!!!! Is this the new Co-ral meme??! I hope it is, I can only imagine all the beauty the internet will gift us with :)

Oh that makes sense. I assumed she would kinda host solo until they found a replacement but I forgot they do the guest hosts. And yes, isn't it always those doing the actual ground work who are always affected by changes at the workplace the most? Shitty. Hopefully they get overtime/whatever compensation but I'm