
Yeah, I worked for the Child Support Enforcement Division for a while, and the attorneys would always explain to the NCP that the little over $100 they were being ordered to pay (usually around the minimum figuring minimum wage) works out to about $4.00 per day for their child to survive on. Usually that helped them

That really sucks. I worked in Family Court for a long time, and it was hard not to become completely pessimistic and cynical whenever the NCP would file for additional visitation with barely a line of the motion devoted to asking for more time, and the remaining page asking for a decrease in child support :| My

And using the example of Portugal where I believe they decriminalized the use of all drugs, teen usage rates went down as well as decreases in death and other health issues related to overdose and needle sharing. There really are innumerable benefits to decriminalizing all drug use to our society, but I think the

I have the worst cravings ever, and it's always for the junkiest of food. But it's soooooo good. Pizza rolls? Taste almost like garbage if you think of it too long. But when they're hot and fresh and burning your mouth? It's the garbage of the heavens :)

LOL, true blue/deep truth. Practically the same words ;P

Forgot he was in that one! His floppy hair is so dreamy ;)

Oh man, this movie! They just had incredible chemistry right? And the pamchenko move at the end?? My heart is racing just thinking of her bonking her head over and over

Whenever I see him, I ALWAYS think of Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead. I just loved that movie and he is so cute and sweet and charming in it. And the rest of the cast is just hilarious and amazing. Easily one of the 90s best

I recommend MAC’s eyeshadows for the really vibrant colors, plus they stay really well. They have so many fun and bright colors, but one of my favorites is true blue. It’s a beautiful deep blue that looks great on my dark skin and also on all skin tones I think :)

No wonder it’s so familiar. I know they re-use background sets a lot in movies and tv, but I never realized how often until I watched this:

Fair enough, you didn't really want to pile on which I understand. And I also understand wanting to point out when you think people are being unfairly criticized. I just think the majority of commenters were actually offering reasonable responses, while some just responded flippantly because (considering this is a

But their "idealism" has translated into the mass silencing of political dissidents in their country and a mass exodus. Idealism is just a nice word for wanting power when you don't have it, and then refusing to make any real changes to people lives when you do have it. That's what their "revolution" was. The ends

Good point. The family roles are somewhat stereotypical and flat in that sense. But it has a lot of promise and I definitely don't change the channel when it's on :)

AHAHAHahhahaha!!! I knew something seemed oddly familiar when watching that show. I agree with Clover's friends reviews - it's kind of ok, but mostly it feels like something is missing.

Considering you were replying to me, it would have been helpful to read my post itself. No one is asking you to continue your initial argument if you're only seeking to validate it rather than to examine it. I agree that discussions can occur without insults, but none of those insults were to the OP as a person. Just

Ok, my Cuban descendants and natives - head count! Tell me your stories, please :) My great-grandmother moved to the US in the early 1950s when my grandmother was about 12 yrs old. My grandmother never talks about Cuba much (understandable), and she says she would never go back. But I would love to visit one day and

Yeah, me too. My great-grandmother moved to the US with my grandmother and her siblings in the early 1950s. I definitely wouldn’t be here had my great-grandmother not made such a brave decision. People who only think of the political issues without understanding the very real human suffering that did and still does

Oh man! Old school Gawker! That might have been it, the picture is somehow hilarious despite all the blood :|

I'm starting to remember more now that you say that, he did try. I just feel like he took the whole situation personally rather than seeing it for the mental illness it was. But yes, he did try to help her and she definitely pushed back against everyone who tried.

She said something stupid and I told her it was stupid. That’s what happens when you say stupid things in public - people call you out on it. Sorry my words weren’t delicate enough for you.