
When you have to show yourself beating a woman to prove that you don't beat women. on video. to your bosses. to save your job. I think it might be too late.

So his rationale for showing the video to CBC was "if this woman consented, it means all women consent?" He should have received some legal advice about that first.

"Hey I totally respect women and consider their consent all-important, that's why I'm showing you this video of me fucking some women without getting their permission to share it."

Being a narcissist really bit him in the ass this time. No dude, not EVERYTHING is about you. But thanks for proving your proclivity for violence.

Not only do I like that this author now knows what "slut shaming" is but I think that good ole Jian is refusing that advice which is why the PR firm dropped him. I have no background in PR and would say "Apologize, plead an addiction of some sort, make a huge donation to a battered woman's shelter, and hide".

Implying that it's impossible to groom children to believe that their abuse is natural, consensual and fun.


Ugh, when will straight parents stop forcing their sexuality on their kids?

Oh hell yes we can discuss this, because so often people think that autistic people are kind of just "there" and not people with opinions and wishes of their own.

This is a suburb of Cleveland, where I live. I heard on the local news that the parents released the video against the boy's wishes because they wanted to spotlight bullying, especially bullying against special needs kids. The victim, understandably, was embarrassed and didn't want the video released. Even though the

This is a great piece and I agree wholeheartedly.

I worded that poorly, I guess, but it's frustrating to see the life of someone you love reduced to their murder. There was a LOT that happened prior to this. Two years worth of stuff. I can't specify what they were, but the charges I talked about were being pressed by Sammi's mother. Ben's lawyer manipulated an

In case anyone shows up again saying "I'm a white person who is tired of being told to feel guilty about Ferguson" or "I'm a white person who was the victim of racism" (yes, those comments were here), this is you, dumbasses:

I like how big elephant is all - "Hey creeper! Stop filming the elephant babies at the elephant playground! Hey creepy creeper! Get outta here!"

Dude, people, take all the selfies you want. WHILE YOU WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT. Also, take all the videos you want, EXCEPT WHILE DRIVING.


OK, I am kind of new on the dating scene, but I've found that another way to get women to like you is to maybe give them positive compliments. I'm no pick-up artist, so maybe I'm missing out on a ton of sweet sweet trim, but it seems to work OK and I don't feel dirty afterwards. Also I find being respectful and funny

That cat actually looks terrified. Cats don't usually pant except when they are under stress. Poor little guy.

Affluenza is a life-threatening disease for everyone who doesn't have it.