Lots of people were upset about that.
Lots of people were upset about that.
Lots of people were pissed at Tropic Thunder for blackface, and I remember there being a boycott.
He didn’t care when he played a whitewashed Khan Noonien Singh (to the offense of TONS of people), and he eschewed his grandmother’s advice to ditch his last name because his family historically owned slaves. He literally doesn’t care about offending anyone. And offensive films don’t often hurt careers anyway, if…
Like the War on Drugs, or the class war, it cannot be won, because Terrorism is not a state. We need to rethink the entire approach.
They think Catholics are drunken whores. They’re not the only ones, lots of evangelical Christians think the same way, but they also think Catholics are pagans.
I’m not religious and I don’t know if you are, but you are literally doing the work of Jesus, and I mean that in the best way possible. Bravo to you.
It’s sort of up to Muslims to change the culture of their religion, just like it’s up to Christians to fix their problems and men to fix overall problems of masculinity. The rest of us can’t really do it for them.
Those guys would’ve easily been recruited to ISIL if the circumstances were slightly different.
I have no idea what would work. I have some ideas on how to prevent/minimize their recruitment efforts, which are incredibly effective, but I’m not an expert. I do know that this is a new world that doesn’t look like previous conflicts, and is not contained within or between nation-states. Like, Russia expanding into…
I’m imagining a crowded, dark concert hall or a stadium full of drunks when grenades are launched and everyone is scared and confused. I can’t imagine guns doing anything more than raising the body count.
I’m very sorry that happened to you, and I am very proud of your bravery.
And the West is falling for it, hook, line and sinker.
They rely on fear from attacks leading to a backlash against already marginalized groups so they can get more recruitments from those groups. For sure. It’s frustrating how the West can’t see that. I was reading the CBC website about it and so many commenters thinks that somehow a military operation will solve the…
Well France has a very weird relationship with its North African population and with Muslim immigrants. I can imagine it’s easy to recruit marginalized, outcast people from those populations.
Oh my god, I am so sorry about your friend! At least he had you to care for him. :(
Everyone’s different. I have a friend who has said she feels the same way as you. It doesn’t lessen the degree of the crime.
That would squick me too! Why couldn’t they just tell you?
I don’t know if they don’t want it to be true so much as they don’t want it to be a crime.
These women are very brave. I applaud them. I certainly don’t think women who are raped have an obligation to go public, but I really hope this act helps other women get justice, and I really hope they get justice.
Not icky GIRLS, no.