
I’m curious as to what your therapist said? I feel like sending a card would just be inviting her into your life... like a vampire.

It seems as though the Atkins eulogy, a loving list of his wife Jennifer’s attributes, might be more of a writing exercise—it’s dated “September 25, 2019.” But he definitely lifted some of the most recognizable parts.

Lol. Pics or it didn’t happen.

That would just make him even more self righteous. “I’m Irish, I’m oppressed too, but I don’t protest or ask for handouts!” Please.

IME, commute trumps almost everything. Sad but true. (Also your husband’s medical deal is a big factor...)

They do. I don’t think this lawsuit has a leg to stand on.

She would totally pull this shit.

Honestly she looks like such a douchebag, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s mad at the friend somehow.

As a Car2Go user who users it quite frequently, I wouldn’t mind if they had breathalyzers (though the maintenance and hygiene would be a nightmare), but it’s not their fault if people drive drunk. Those are the types who would drive drunk anyway. I know many people who have cars but use Car2Go to start their nights

You also have to click through a waiver before you’re able to start the car, saying you’re a member, you’re the right age, you’re not going to do anything illegal etc.

Yeah but with Car2Go you also sign a contract saying you will abide all laws. It was absolutely still her choice to drive drunk, just as it would be if she owned the car.

It is ALWAYS better to be alone than with someone who disrespects or gaslights you. PLEASE don’t ignore red flags!

I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m very glad your dad beat the shit out of that guy. I hope bees sting his dick off. (That guy, not your dad.)

“Yeah I’ve had gym memberships and ... women don’t generally go around buck ass naked all la-di-da with their tits hanging out for several minutes at a stretch.”

That’s why I’m so thankful to not just historians but social historians. Jazz nerd guy might be a bit of a social historian when it comes to this particular type of music and dance, but there are so many facets of society and humanity that are ignored by your mainstream, white male victory based history.

A good friend of mine has Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, aka Chronic Fatigue. It is a very real illness that, for her, is absolutely compounded by food sensitivities. She has found lots of support, and she had no idea what it was until she had her diagnosis. (She basically just kept pushing herself to be a “normal” person

This was beautifully and compassionately written. Thank you. And thank GOODNESS this poor lady's body was finally buried. I was getting so anxious.

I agree. Trevor is becoming one of Jezebel’s imaginary boyfriends which means he’ll soon be above criticism.

Jon Stewart himself has said a lot of unfunny and problematic shit over the years, so I don’t think Trevor needs to be held to a higher standard. Well, maybe, I mean we should be holding everybody to a higher standard, especially given what the Daily Show represents. But he can grow.

Wouldn’t it still be murder if I *wanted* to kill you, regardless of your consent? Like the German guy who consented to be killed and eaten.