
Sounds like a great number of PUAs are doing it poorly, or not understanding the concept, then. I've literally never heard of it in those terms, even from visiting PUA sites they plainly say it's an insult meant to insult so the girl feels she has to prove something.

Being nice, respectful, and funny only work when you see women as human. You're doing it all wrong!

My father "negged" me a lot during my childhood (or whatever the non-sexual awful dad version of "negging" is). It really screwed me up.

You have really good teeth for a British person.

I would NOT be shocked if Affluenza Kid and/or Affluenza Dad have strong feelings that Mr. Brown was a thug who deserved it.

Particularly for weight loss? I don't actually have any of those but I've heard good things about Paul McKenna, who apparently also has a gastric bypass hypnosis one. Youtube has like a million guided meditation videos from general to all sorts of issues, so you might find one you like there.

It's basically just meditation. I enjoy meditating alone, in groups, and with guided meditation audio tracks, and self-hypnosis tracks are just those with a different name.