Just remember 73% of statstics made up on the internet are fake.
Just remember 73% of statstics made up on the internet are fake.
I like to throw some uncooked oatmeal into my smoothies. I think it helps me stay full longer.
Why would you curb park a Koenigsegg? Valet that shit!
I'd F#@* me.
Poor man's bidet.
Just not on Chipolte night...Yeah, I went there.
I think it would be what WWII did for the US on a global scale. Edit - Basically what @fughedaboudit said. On a side, I am not getting how the comments work now.
Thank you for posting the picture of the deployed van. You just saved everyone two minutes of their life. Not being sarcastic, that video was a waste time. A before and after picture would have sufficed.
High schoolers are so dumb, they have no idea what they can't do. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed by a project, I just ask my highschool self what would you do, and he says go for it.
I am sure it is all in the name of fuel efficiency, but it looks like one could easily get lost in there.
Exactly what I came here to say. Thank you.
Wouldn't the addition of the vanilla actually make the ice cubes less than perfect? After all the vanilla is an impurity...a delicious impurity, but an impurity none the less. Also this molecular gastronomy is total BS, I am sure someone could make the same drink without all the fancy toys.
You also might check the settings on your DVD/BluRay player. There are sometimes sound settings that will improve the imaging of the center chanel.
Don't feel bad, I thought the thumbnail on the main page looked like some plumbers crack also.
I see what you did there?...Not really sure you were trying to be punny.
They could, but to recoup the cost of the system, lift tickets would cost like $10,000. Also, if I remember correctly reverse osmosis creates like 2 gallons of waste water for every 1 gallon of pure water.
I am not mad. When I saw that name, I thought to myself, "Dr. Propper...Huh? There has to be a joke in here somewhere."
I think a USB "extension" cord with the circuit @McMike is is talking about to be placed between the Kiosk and your device would solve any issues. I think lifehacker already discussed how to shorten your USB cables.
Depending on the technology, I am assuming RFID type technology, you could hide the key in the dash close enough to the ignition so you can start the car with a non-hightech key. However this would defeat the purpose of the system. I think this idea is mostly for house type keys that don't need micro chips in them.
We're locked in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!?