
Yeah, maybe I am not getting it, but it has now become very difficult to read all the comments. Something I specifically came to the Gawker sites to do. I can't seem to log onto Gizmodo to post comments. Granted I didn't convert my account, but as far as I can tell I should still be able to use my handle to post

Well, Failbook's buisness model has just been ruined.

When they outlaw privacy, only outlaws will have privacy.

Yeah, it is 57. This tests for Red-Green colorblindness. But I think if you have another kind of color blindness you would see 35. I can easily see 57, and if I look carefully I can see 35.

I am going to assume they used grade 8 hardware when they fixed the brakes.

Yeah my dad and uncle had these. If I remember correctly they were vinyl clings that had the same font as a coke or pepsi, but were spelled differently. I didn't quite get the concept though, because I thought it would be cool to make people think I was drinking a coke when I was actually drinking a rootbeer.

No, but brain surgery isn't exactly rocket science now is it?

I am standing by you in not converting my account, I have two seperate accounts because I want it that way.

If they don't put Android 3.0 on the list, then Andorid will look less fragmented. And that couldn't be right.

Hey slow your roll, Hoosiers are from Indiana, I didn't see anything about Indiana in the article. Not saying we don't have a meth issue, we just didn't make the news.

There were some projects on [] that might interest you. It used to be mostly about PC's in cars, but now they are getting into android devices. Specifically one of the members on the forum was mounting a Galaxy Tab in the dash.

If current cosmotology is right, you are going to have fantastic hair.

Now playing

'could care less'...? I think the phrase is 'couldn't care less' Please allow David Mitchell to explain.

The regulations for DOT approved pressure vessels is fairly strict. In all actuality they are safer than your standard gas tank.

I think the title of this article is misleading, you can't put the carbonation that has escaped a beverage back in the beverage by dropping a rasin in it. What you can do is create more nucleation sites in the carbonated beverage which will draw out more of the CO2 making your drink taste more flat. So if you want

Yeah, I just go done talking with Physics, and he says this is nonsense. The only thing this will do is make an already flat bottle of wine more flat.

And Santa is a PIMP...

Back in college my psychology professor said I should be a doctor after my first exam. I was all excited until I got the test back, and realized he was commenting on how bad my penmanship was.

Florida is the penis of the US, and when has your penis ever made a good decision.