
Mostly right, but I would connect the vehicles the way the article says. Think about this scenario. You have the negatives hooked up, so now both cars have the same ground, and you clip the first positive on, but the second positive happens to be near a body panel or some other meatal part of the car. Now you have

Actually Dragoning originated in Indiana if I am not mistaken. As in Dragon Vette.

We would also have accepted "Welcome to Earf!"

I have a pizza stone, and I leave it in my oven all the time. You can use it for baking many other things than just hand made pizza. You can use it for frozen pizza, take and bake pizza, calzones... Really though, I think it makes an oven perform better by evening out the heat. An owner of a cheap oven would

You would have to be stupid to accept free candy from this "van". Now ice cream on the other hand...

Will my arms grow back?

As Grandma always says: "Nothing good happens after midnight."

Oh you motorboatin' son of a &!%@#

You should look into an evaporative cooling system, sometimes called a swamp or swap cooler. Basically as described above, you cool the air with evaporating water, and since you are in such an arid climate, it will work much better than in a humid climate.

You could get crazy, and bring a router with you, and tie it into the vehicle electrical, or build a battery pack for it.

I am still pretty new at Linux myself, but I think you could recompile the kernel to free up some resources. However I think it is not something for the feint of heart.

I think the problem with a between the legs front to back wipe is the higher potential of loosing your grip on the paper, and ending up with a mess on your hands. In the future, if the conversation comes up, and you are deemed "weird" again, just turn it around on who ever started the conversation in the first place.

My thoughts exactly, it looks like a FWD GM A body in that second picture. Now GM did have a 2 door version of the A body that could stand in for this for much cheaper.

So the take-away I get from your post. Don't sail on a cruise ship registered under the Vanuatu flag. Thanks for the heads up.

I always thought it would be a good feature on cars, if you left your blinker on too long, and didn't turn, the car would just tun for you at some random time.

I think I only saw one episode where they showed them doing any mechanical work, and that is because the engine died before Xizibit could get the car to the shop.

Speech recognition is pretty much primetime now. I was more amazed he had a girlfriend.

I figured there would be more "Switch to Linux" suggestions. I had an old underpowered XP computer that literally took 30 minutes to completely boot. Even when it was new, it took a long time to boot. I put Xubuntu on it, and it is ready in 30 seconds to a minute, and I have left it on for 30 days before I needed

What about Joker's sidekick in the 1989 Batman... Remember you are my number one guy.

I was asking myself the same question. What is a "put she a donkey board"? I vote we use camel case from now on. PutsHeadOnKeyboard