I am not even sure I want to know what the "Aunt Jemima" treatment is, and I am afraid to google it at work.
I am not even sure I want to know what the "Aunt Jemima" treatment is, and I am afraid to google it at work.
You would have my vote.
Look on the bright side, you will have raspberry flavored snot and boogers.
I thought the original comment was funny. I just figured you probably needed to do something to get into character. I agree with you, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Sorry if I came off as high and mighty, not my intention.
Yes, of the "Cake" shows, I think Buddy makes cakes with the most edible content, so I give him credit for that, and the piping of the icing is skillfully done, but making huge gaudy cakes like this is a lot easier than they make it out to be. Cake making is not rocket science. I guess I am just burned out with…
It must have been hard typing and pulling your eyes into slits at the same time?
Ugh, I can't tolerate these shows. Look, I made something out of plywood, and covered it with fondant and I call it a cake.
You mean like this? Good luck with that. It takes millions of tons of soil, billions of dollars, and the ocean will just reclaim it without tons of maintenance.
I am still going to have to agree with ThistleDog and dhuff a leash for a child is not the way to handle kids running off. The oldest of the kids should be at an age where you can teach them the social expectations of going to a store, and how they should behave. If they are prone to running off, there should be…
Good god, I hope this is some kind of joke from the onion news network.
It depends, if you are doing some hard core l33t hax0r stuff with your one computer, then you can have some cake. If you are just checking FB, and emailing grandma then no.
Actually the powder coating process can age aluminum significantly, and a catastrophic failure like this is entirely possible for an aluminum part. However the failure was most likely caused by the welding in this case. Steel on the other hand should be able to withstand the temperatures used in powder coating…
but is its price make you interested?
and @ TendoMentis Great, now you two just created a paradox in the internet-time continuum.
What naming convention does everyone use for their video files? For example my music collection is easy Artist - Album - Track.mp3 When I tried Handbrake before, the file names were obscure, and I figured once I got my whole collection backed up it would be a nightmare. Also, how do you use folders to organize your…
Ha, I had a saying "If the whole world is full of assholes, then maybe it is not the world that is the problem."
Another reason we don't have flying cars, is because if you run out of gas in your car, you get to walk. If you run out of gas in your flying car, you get to die. You think tires are inefficient, just wait until you see anti-gravity.
The city series is clearly missing a fire department, and a hospital. How can you have disasters without basic infrastructure such as these?
I also think some Jules Verne themed stuff could be cool.