
I gave up my commercial driver license so my days would get a little shorter. Having to drive out to the plant (which was at least 90 minutes from my house) to pick up the truck full of product and the launch trailer, then drive a couple hours in a rented Ryder truck, then set up, wait for dark, shoot, clean, then

Id rather the cities buy a firework show with a planned start and stop time then to let the lawless setup their own displays at random times throughout the night over the course of a week or 2. 2AM is not appropriate fireworks time neighbor 5 houses down.

One city I lived in setup a grassless field and only allowed

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

For all the folks in the comments getting angry about the Indian guy being critical of the fictional Indian character and that he should “just get over it.”

i love fc cincinnati and i love what they are doing for the city but those games are aided by the intimacy of nippert stadium and i’m afraid it won’t work when they get their new stadium

I’m pretty sure if you stuff it with a bunch of rice that it’ll be dry and raring to go in no time.

People who like to pretend it means shit.

Videos like this make me wonder about how other intelligent animals experience their bodies. It must feel good to play and jump into the air and roll onto the back and wave at the clouds, but good how? Is it a great stretch in the muscles, the pleasing warmth of the sun on the belly, the thrill of freefalling into the

Let’s not reduce reactionary ideologies to a question of “stupidity”. People don’t commit to these positions out of a lack of some abstract faculty of mind, they get drawn into them as a consequence of their experiences and material circumstances. There are plenty of people who come from backgrounds that emphasise

For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:

Flying commercial? How the mighty have fallen. I guess mindlessly blathering Exhibit #1 in every Muslim Ban lawsuit has cost him dearly. And I couldn’t be happier for it.

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.

At some point, the EV market has to sustain itself without external subsidies in the form of massive rebates and credits. Whether that point should be next year, or a few years further out....looking forward to the Hindsight 20/20 article in a decade or so.

Thank you. I can’t believe they’re issuing stays for 10 minutes, 45 minutes, etc. Forget execution; being teased with your own imminent death like this seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really

Oman, my buddy Chad had an eating disorder. I was like “bro, Uganda stop this”.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

This is good kinja.

He really Atta get that fixed