
Which is a shame because the NTSB is a good organization trying to actually solve problems.

You don’t want to own that battery. They fail. A lot. Replacing them costs more than the cost of another equivalent used E Smart.

Exactly. This is standard practice for the NTSB on aircraft accidents: if you want to be part of the investigation, either as an airline or pilot union or whatever, you shut the fuck up until it is done. Behind the closed doors of the investigation you can have your say and lobby for your position and provide your

based on the headline, I’d say an older pickup truck and start your country music career

The Duality of Man.

Yeah tells me someone has a grudge,how many people could possible be manning the ticket desk and how people wouldn’t notice a plate number that’s caused so much grief. Even incompetence can’t explain this. 

But the system has a habit of ignoring stopped vehicles, and sooner or later one will plow into a minivan full of kids pulled over on the side of the road.

How about Tesla take a little personal responsibility for introducing half-baked tech into the market?

Perfect isn’t the standard, safe is. This case is different than others that have come before. When the system drives toward a hazard instead of away from it as it should, that system is not safe. That’s going to have major implications for Tesla both in stock price and sales, which the company can not afford right

Start using LiDar, Tesla. Or call it what it is. Lane keep assist and adaptive cruise control.

Somewhat monochrome girl on a vw

Some guy is justifying his $85,000/yr paycheck. Rubber stamping any/all camera violations in his inbox, and letting the court magistrates and public sort it out later.

Or a remorseless asshole who sociopathatically cares about no one but himself.

“knows he’s getting locked up for no reason”

Kid laughs because he is a psychopath. Another Black child was killed by this group of psychos, Black homes were burglarized by this group of psychos, a Black child was kidnapped by this group of psychos, Black men and women were threatened with guns by this group of psychos.

Murder requires premeditation.

The article omits it, but the boy who was killed apparently did more than “brandish” a gun (see link below). In Alabama’s laws, if you’re directly an accomplice to a crime, you can be tried as if you committed the crime. It’s the same logic behind RICO cases. He’s not being locked up for “no reason”.

He spent two days robbing, kidnapped a person and him and his boys killed another kid at a house party the night before. I’m pretty sure he got off easy aka with his life intact. Would you laugh to keep from crying if it was your son that got shot to death at the house party by this dude? Or the person they kidnapped

gettting locked up for no reason? He was still guilty of helping a robbery you dumbass. he still should serve time but he is definitely riding on an extra 25 years for no reason. 15 or not why the fuck are you helping burgle? At the end of the day he deserved this for attempting something so fucking stupid. I still

Wow...I think the criminal justice system is completely broken and needs major fixing, but blatant dishonesty is just not a good place to start that process.