...was hoping the eye bleach would be shirtless pictures of hot, woke men, but animals work well, too.
...was hoping the eye bleach would be shirtless pictures of hot, woke men, but animals work well, too.
Jesus Christ
They don’t call it a “job” for nothing.
Pro forced-birth-which-flings-the-mother-into-bankruptcy-because-it’s-ridiculously-expensive-to-have-a-baby-or,-if-she-gets-government-assistance,-keeps-her-in-a-cycle-of-poverty
Imagine my surprise! Imagine it. Because it isn’t real.
Hah. That has to be intentional, right??
Just when you thought you could not hate him any more...
Oh my god, you’re right. They are all glorious.
Rachel Bloom’s is the BEST. ahahaha.
They are great (even though I do not always LOVE everything they do—I love that they are different!) and am here for this.
Great work by the Stranger Things legal team. They needed to get a message across, but knew whatever was sent would go viral. Cutesy, but serious, without crazy threats. And the bar did what was needed out of respect for the IP owners. Good work, all.
Me too! Such a wonderful episode
It also makes it seem like you’re not an entitled douchebag who would use government resources for personal gain! He’s really getting that message across effectively!
I was with you until that last sentence. Something about Olivia Munn has always struck me as “I am a cool girl. I’m just one of the guys! Girls are crazy, am I rite?”
Exactly who came to my mind. Tim Allen too, perhaps? Let’s get rid of the crazy Michiganders! (Love you in general, tho, MI)
brb can’t stop laughing.
Yes. Yes. A thousand times YES! Vicki is worst than Kelly. And Kelly is the devil!
Your name is fabulous
I wonder if he will give each of them their one phone call!
AGREED. HALO TOP. IS. NOT. ICE CREAM. It is disgusting.