
Lucille gif is perfect on many levels.

For me, nothing will ever top Kelly Bensimon’s complete insanity that season. She was a complete bitch and demented.

I HATE them so much. HAAAAAAATE.

OK, I lol’d

Me: [Shamefully reminding friend / coworker of embarrassing thing I did several months ago and I’ve been obsessing about ever since]

Implied in the end of the video: “Nothing I do will ever please everyone.”

There is a difference between being skeptical of a legitimate news source and being skeptical of a photo shared without citation on Facebook. People should be questioning things shared on Facebook without citation (and so many pages steal photos without crediting a news source or make memes intended to enrage viewers).

The thing is, it has helped his career—he was a Diversity Fellow, etc. While he is now getting “outed”, it’s after making money being a fraud.

Her black bra under her thin-fabric white t-shirt shows how much of a “determined free spirit” she is.

It is infuriating that the “publishing company” thinks so little of its audience that it thought it could get away with publishing a terribly written book (seriously, awful) just to get it through to a movie deal / franchise. SORRY FOLKS! NOT TODAY! I understand that 50 shades may have made you think it was easy, but

That makes me sad.

What you can’t see in this excerpt is that Scarlett O’Hara was defined as “The O’Hara” earlier in the book. Then it makes sense!

yeah, and it seems she’s describing herself. OBSERVE:

Yeah...that is bad. Why do I care what you’ve “always thought” about yourself? ick ick ick (also “determined free spirit” - what?)

Yiiiikes. I write on the side, and admire people who can make a living writing. Writing is tough! This is not great, though. Just one example of cringe-inducing sentence: “Those types of storms are rare and magical in my mind.” In addition to the cliche, why add “in my mind”?!? We are already in your mind! Blech.

I’m here for this.

I like that when she sings/mouths “You will kiss the ring,” she lifts her hand and there is no ring on it.
