I’m sorry, but I actually believe that is Dr. George Huang. The best FBI agent / psychiatrist to ever grace the halls of L&O:SVU ❤️
I’m sorry, but I actually believe that is Dr. George Huang. The best FBI agent / psychiatrist to ever grace the halls of L&O:SVU ❤️
I forgot the rule: Never read the comments (i.e., the replies to LeBron’s tweet). There are some winners in there! *pukes*
Preach. Ben Sasse is PRIME example of this. He says enough to trick moderates and some liberals into thinking he will cross the aisle. But does NOTHING to back up his words.
Right? I mean, have they seen the commercials?
I believe you mean “whilst”
I lol’d
Hah. Someone replied to a post I made on the Google manifesto issue (won’t get into it now) with a reply about my username—something along the lines of “with a name like FiveThousandDollarSuit, I’m not sure you can be critical of this guy...”
That is the biggest compliment anyone could ever give me. <3
“Honestly, sometimes when I hook up with 24 year olds after kickball and softball, even that feels a little strange.”
Not everyone will die.
That Halo stuff is inedible. So disgusting!
Scariest part of the trailer is how young J Law is compared to Bardem. Gross.
a) I don’t know
If there’s anything 90s TV and movies have taught me, it’s that you should arrange for them to meet up for dinner alone. Your dad will plan to meet you there, your mom will plan to meet you at the same time. You won’t be there, but there’s a candlelit table (why would you meet either of your parents at a romantic…
I don’t think we are supposed to like Pratt here on Jezebel, but this makes me sad. I have always liked them. Even though Anna can get irritating on her podcast (which I had to stop listening to). I loved that they were from the same place in Seattle, seemed fairly down to earth, happy. :(
Alright, I’m crying. Wonderfully done.