That. moment. was. hilarious!
That. moment. was. hilarious!
Clearly Canadian has been promised at the Hy-Vee near me for months. Yet, NOTHING! I had to ask a variety of teenaged employees (cashier, bagger, then finally guest service) about whether they had it in stock, explaining “See, it was this drink that was big in the 90s...” *Blank stares* Until finally, the guest…
I have a bad feeling that, were I on one of these shows, I would be the “weird expression” / “crazy eyes” cast member.
I am shocked, just SHOCKED that this occurred.
“whities” — but yet he appears more gray.
also, that “smile” *shudder* Just waiting for him to hack someone into tiny pieces.
I’m too cynical to even guess if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. With the shit the Dems have pulled lately, I’m concerned we won’t be able to flip Congress (or that I want them too if they are going to betray women at every turn). Not to mention the “don’t count your chickens” impeachment talk. And who is…
Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.
Those green eyes are gorgeous!
Well that is very depressing news. The Corporate Machine wins again.
...a taco shell?
Hah! I was thinking that my initial reaction may have been triggered by something “real” that I had seen in passing.
I am picturing bedazzled denim products
Very charismatic!
Complete agree. So entertaining. Tom Cruise is a strange guy, but damn can he make an entertaining movie! See also, Minority Report.
Ok I’m crying. The paw prints! *sniff*
“Do you need assistance?”
Weed? Or caprese salad?
Not one of the characters is likeable. Blech.
Have you acquired the taste for mammal blood?