
Plus that music!

Why? It. Is. Amazing!

give all the domestic abusers guns! And keep mass-producing them! AMURIKA

But... you still don’t know her dog.

Hah. Made similar comment before seeing yours.

They must be very traumatized from the image of Michelle Obama’s perfectly sculpted arms and shoulders. Which she could use the carry these troglodytes into the 21st or even the 20th century.

The only time I was in Little Rock, I was told “That’s mighty white of you.” When I picked up someone’s item they had dropped. So, yeah...racism is definitely a problem there.

Absolutely this was set up. Aren’t most questions / personal stories on talk shows? I assume the host knows the story ahead of time and then asks a pointed question that brings out the story. Some are better than others at making it subtle. I love the (intentional) lack of subtlety with this interview.

Right. I got married in my mid-20s, so I don’t conform to a portion of your statement, but I agree about marrying someone you truly enjoy being with. Also, don’t have ridiculous expectations for marriage—ensure you are your own person in addition to being a spouse.

No, just a self-centered violent asshole. Rehab won’t fix that!

Yeah, I don’t believe this. that sentence doesn’t make any sense - non-matching verbs!

This is the ham I am:

Well, when a mommy doggie and a daddy doggie love each other very much...

You’re charmed as heck.

Yeah, but his negative soul (not just lack of one) takes away 20 pounds.

What about mini Mounds Bars(tm)??

Don’t forget Amy Poehler’s joke at one of the Golden Globes hosting gigs with Tina Fey: “Enjoy it while it lasts, Netflix, ‘cause you’re not going to be feeling so smug when Snapchap is up here accepting Best Drama.”

This is why I have only made it through Episode 2 so far. Jean’s story and her (sad and straight forward) delivery are haunting.

It’s like a useless business meeting at a large corporation: his words (I only made it 20 sec. in) mean NOTHING! It is jargon gibberish. Gross.

I still need to finish this show. I’ve only made it through the 2nd episode, which was really good, but terrible (because of the rapes by the awful).