What the hell were they waiting for? It’s like when Zeppelin got sued over Stairway to Heaven. If you’ve waited this long to bring a lawsuit, too bad, you missed your chance.
What the hell were they waiting for? It’s like when Zeppelin got sued over Stairway to Heaven. If you’ve waited this long to bring a lawsuit, too bad, you missed your chance.
It’s not an unreasonable demand, and simultaneously, Lewis and other TikTokers’ confusion about what is and isn’t the right way to be a horny woman on the internet also seems fair.
It’s almost as if he’s running a shitty campaign on purpose so he can be the Florida meth trailer park version of the Kennedys.
I ghosted some really good friends in college when I had untreated depression, anxiety, and (likely) a binge drinking disorder. I had trouble expressing my emotions when I was upset with one of them. I never learned how to be properly mad or resolve conflict.
I’m really the last person to defend a Kardashian, but why the snark against someone getting a restraining order against someone who is likely very dangerous? Can we not make light of stalking, please?
And continuing that harm by saying she doesn't diet or work out.
Not only how Ratajkowski has benefited from the privileges that come with looking the way she does, but also how her image is used in a way that is actively harmful to so many women and girls.
“But now, it’s frustrating that Ratajkowski—one of the conventionally hottest women in the public eye, who also frequently talks about her identity as a feminist—remains unwilling or unable to identify her own myriad privileges. My Body critiques how society has objectified her specifically and women broadly, but it…
Yes, BUT if others are displaying political signs and the HOA is ignoring it, she can sue the shit out of them. HOAs can’t choose what political beliefs are acceptable.
i doubt an HOA can dictate how you decorate the interior of your home.
Who cares about the candidate as a person so long as he’s able to vote for the party you want? Like, we all know what to expect to from either party and, outside of the party leadership, politicians just have to show up and vote the way their party tells them. Trump’s handlers got him through 4 years as president, and…
When it comes to this whole thing, the only thing that goes through my mind is...
If your shit is in a public place and in my way, I’m going to move it. If you tell me you haven’t moved other people’s stuff out of your way in a public place at least once, I’m going to call you a fucking liar.
How about that?
All the butt-hurt racist asshats trying to make the excuse that you don’t touch someone else bike are making a lame-ass argument.
Is this a joke? This is such a cliché article. The same article that is written anytime a famously beautiful woman is cheated on. People assume someone’s level of physical attractiveness should make their partners incapable of cheating on them. What does that say about less attractive people? Of course, she was…
Given that the article says that this occurred during spring break, it’s quite possible no one was there. Hell, she might have been off for the 5 days herself over spring break.
It seems pretty counter intuitive to charge her with stealing something that she appears to have gone out of her way to avoid having in her possession.
Any investigation being done on the obvious drug dealing student?