
He received a similar warning for screaming "Baguette!" at the French Open.

The warning makes more sense once you know that the chair ump is gluten intolerant.

I suppose every girl that gets fall-down drunk and goes home with three football players thinks that they are all just going to sit around and chat until the wee hours of the morning.

So you're claiming she wanted to have sex with them, or is dumb as a brick. Fantastic.

I don't know, when I hang out with friends, sometimes that does involve sitting around in a room with 4-5 guys and one girl just drinking (and in my younger years smoking the dope) and chatting until the early hours of the morning. Seems perfectly normal to me but I'm not a rapist.

Go FUCK yourself

As a Darren Rovell fan, I understand you're joking, but I'm getting sick of all these PFTCommenter fanboys circle-jerking their idiot "humor" at the expense of erudite sports-marketing minds like Rovell. People forget that Rovell led the #Brands to three straight World Series of ad revenue, and the Final Four of

This is such bullshit. If I wanted to see good sports-related jokes get drowned out by a bunch of fucking nonsense spewed by idiots, I'd comment on Deadspin.

I have uncles who are still gang bangin cousins who still gang bang.

Just because I thought it was interesting: Desean went to LB Poly Highschool (More NFLers than any other highschool, SportsIllustrated's school of the century, etc). Which is where (ESPN analyst, former NFLer) Antonio Pierce will be Head Coach starting the fall. His RB coach: Derrick Ward.

Poly has had a ton of great

Just like the old saying goes: "'I' before 'E' except after 'C' and don't you dare put a motherfucking 'K' after that shit either or I'll murder the fuck outta you."

Amen. As someone who teaches graduate students, when I encounter writing problems I think of the 16 years of school (at least) they've had prior to entering my classroom and I wonder how these problems were never addressed in K-12 or in college.

And yes, one place shouldn't be targeted, it's obviously systemic. A nice start to reform would be a simultaneous take down of some of the big boys...

Fellow NC native and have ties to UNC. All I can say is ditto. Do people really think that this doesn't go on everywhere with a huge athletics program? UNC just happened to get caught. I'm am glad it's brought the issue to light because the "education" that the players (mostly in the Football and Basketball programs)

People like "unc-cheat" are why college scandal reporting will never go away. Rival fanbases are starved for the schadenfreude that comes with seeing a school get caught. (Our inboxes have been flooded for months with people with NC State email addresses begging us to take down UNC.)

This kid was lost well before he got to UNC. I'm torn because he probably shouldn't be in college, but it isn't right to stop educating him either because he obviously needs it.

UNC got exactly the ending it deserved.