Operator: 911, what’s your emergency?
Operator: 911, what’s your emergency?
The Flag Code is the Leviticus of the USC: it applies if it inconveniences someone else.
the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous
Goddammit, the Knicks are the punchline to every NBA contract joke ever. How it possible for a professional basketball bunch of team random dudes to somehow become just a meme?
You mean this one?
Sorry, when the waitress is 50' away across a crowded room and checking her tables, catching her eye and then making either the check, drink, or upraised finger lets them know what the heck I want without them schlepping all the way over to find out. Maybe it’s also because I dine as a family of five, and anything to…
Black Dynamite set the bar pretty high for self-aware blaxploitation. Trying to do an updated version of Shaft might have missed the boat.
More proof I don’t come here for the literary merit: I come for the deft wordsmithing that produces eye-boobs. And boob-eyes.
Yeah, but you can stuff your love-torso up in the overhead for ready access, kind of like those oxygen masks. Not so much with a giant duffel bag that makes you look like a mob hit-man.
You are correct: he is no longer sucking. But I’m sure soon he will wipe off his chin and set to it again. I swear all this is some sort of reverse “pump-and-dump” strategy to artificially depress the economy, so when he “wins”, the market shoots back up and he can take credit for it.
Sorry, but for so many reasons, a smoke-cloud won’t work: ineffective, hard to deploy, dependent on weather conditions, the system is non-existent. Now taking more aggressive action against an emitter might work, since these guys are presumably just really patriotic fishermen: warning shots, maritime interception,…
The Chinese know we aren’t going to go round and start sinking fishing boats, despite whatever shenanigans they are up to. Therefore they keep doing it. I’m sure some counter-measure could be thought up that would be non-lethal (counter-laser fire?), but how to do that and not escalate the situation...
Because he’s looking at 2020 and wants to look “tough on trade.”
A sudden dose of terror will do wonders for your fast-twitch muscles.
Well, he couldn’t take a WHOLE woman could he? It would never fit in carry-on.
And next in the barrel:
Trump getting all hard-assed with Cuba helps solidify the Cuban American voters who might otherwise drift away because of his, er, rather obvious antipathy towards brown people. The Cubans are a religiously conservative single-issue voter bloc, and while Trump might be deeply stupid, with all the anti-immigration…
a white fascist version of the Soul Plane
Of course he chooses Norway: it’s the country furthest from the Browns. Too bad for him its’s a country full of white people who think he’s fucking crazy.