
I think some people here didn’t watch the kid play, because from that small sample size, the NBA’s power/small forwards are getting wore out next season. And how many guards are gonna ole the guy when he’s heading to the rack with murder in his eye? All of them? Taking a charge from Zion means risking your livelihood.

Hookers and blow don’t come cheap

Until right this minute, I didn’t know we needed a Pikachu version of Ted. I concur.

A guy’s feelingz were hurt after having his movie fun time spoiled, so Lennay Kekua over here embarks on a year-long catfishing so he can get his revenge.  Sociopath, anyone?

Too bad there was no Faygo on the buffet table.

I thought that was called an Avery, or a Tikkanen?

The average for 2's vs 3's over the last 20 years has been 45% to 35%, resulting in ppa’s of .9 to 1.05. Steph and others (#lolthunder) are able to shoot 3's at a mid-40's pace for 1.35 ppa. For anyone to shoot out at 28' 9" and have it pay off, they’d have to score above 33%. Lets say the gunners in the league shoot

Fishy Finn Futilely Flopped, Maroon Sees Red, Dallas Sings the Blues.

Did he wave a corn dog at them?

Holy Christ, that’s how Vinny Cerrato became GM of the Skins.  Those that ignore history....

Yeah but Bruce Allen would need to die for that to happen (but Bruce Allen’s tenure has been a long episode of Weekend at Bernie’s anyway) and then Dan will become his own GM, because heck Jerry Jones did it, how hard can it be?

No shit, DJT has been given his own legit #MeToo moment. I can’t wait for this to come up in the debates.

It only seems that way because time in Skins Nation runs faster than anywhere else in the NFL. More trauma and fiascosity (kind of like viscosity, but instead is a measure of an organization’s tendency to step on its own dick) happen per year here than in anywhere else in the NFL (even Oakland*) Young men full of

No athlete should follow on social media any team or league account.

Dude, he was there, he was smelling them! He knows what Jim Kelly smelled like!

Hey, Adrian Peterson made the switch to the Skins easy as 1-2-dontyoumove-3.

“I see these beautiful children...

which is like saying that it’s fine to memorialize Nazi general Hermann Göring because he won a lot of battles.

I’d like to believe it was 2, but I know it was 1.