
I figured it was creepy because if he removed his picture and packed it full of match heads, he'd have a recipe from the Anarchist's Cookbook.


"when a player like Lahm himself equates the league with Qatar's—well, he's telling you all you need to know"

George Bluth approved!

That would be odd. In the EPL, when someone is in your bed who shouldn't be, it's usually John Terry.

I think in terms of bringing in 'buzzworthy' kind of big names, you're right that they're most likely going to be moving to New York or Los Angeles, because those are the cities that the players themselves are most interested in moving to. But those kinds of signings are just one piece of the puzzle for MLS - the DP

No need to fixate on his exact weight. You'll Never Weigh Akinfenwa.

Understandably, NYCFC fans are mad. (Aside: can we really call them "fans" if the team hasn't even kicked a ball yet? They're more like proto-fans.)

The analyst in me says this is a pretty good solution to some of the problems plaguing Liverpool. The fan in me says FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

It's not odd. It's just a clear indication that the author doesn't really know shit about Pardew or Newcastle.

So long as people continue to use that phrase un-ironically, I don't know if it will ever stop being funny :D

That reminds me, I'm rather surprised GamerGate hasn't tried to pin this on Anita or Zoe somehow.
"She can't take away our now she tries to take away our NETWORKS!"
*snorts, pushes up glasses*

Boston Wife: Honey, they said no Pats jerseys in the courthouse.

Big deal. Texas Western won the NCAA championship playing 3/5 against 5.

I bet that every time they showed a smiling and happy Iker, Jose Mourinho paused the video, took a screenshot of his face, printed it out, and punched it repeatedly.

I saw Robert Green doing this in a pool once, only he muffed it.

Nice Haisley. Steal my post from the Klinsman thread, keep it in pending and make it your own. Sweet job at Deadspin.

"Not impressive when you consider the quality of the competition. I mean, none of them have ever won a European championship."

We really need NYCFC to hold an open tryout so Billy can show these hand-me-down players what real soccer is.