
Best thing about original Star Wars? Armed princess.

Kind of feels like United should have just kept him all along instead of firing and rehiring him, no?

One word: Thrawn.


This might be my favorite Behind Closed Ovens (Behind Dutch Ovens) ever. A well-timed fart is the best weapon! I hope the family from the third story still gets fart flashbacks sometimes.

Now playing

If you're looking for a club with class, honor, tradition, and integrity. Come join Liverpool FC. You'll Never Walk Alone with us .

Or DO support the MLS so that you can actually attend games and have a reason to be rooting for a team rather than just bandwagoning onto Arsenal, Bayern or Chelsea just because you've heard the name or because they were on TV the first time you tried to watch international soccer!

Maybe it's more a case of an irresistible hatred overcoming an unstoppable dislike.

"And what of poor Southampton? They were been raided by United, Arsenal, and Chelsea"

If your argument is based on the narrative, then it can be said that the case of Final Fantasy XIII is one that shows how level design perfectly reflects narrative. If you will recall, the very linear first half of FF XIII featured a narrative where a group of outlaws was being constantly chased by the theocratic

Haters gonna hate.

"The three stars represent the Galaxy, the Sounders, and NYCFC: the three teams for whom we go out of our way to break our own rules."

Stop it right there. As a die-hard LFC fan, you might as well be torturing puppies for how you're making me feel.

That brand allows me to watch every single Premier League game. As a supporter of a club that isn't one of the big boys, that's incredible. And their production has been fantastic.

"Your mother is a ravenous lover, son. We made love once, under the stars one summer night, to the soundtrack of "Les Miserables". I cried afterwards."

Huh. I didn't realize that his problem with buttons was so literal.

Only after they heard Liverpool wanted him.

This brave, disabled sprinter then went home and shot his bitch 4 times through the doggy door.