
Sorry, as a Warren supporter, after Bernie’s most recent comments regarding a contested convention where he straight up says he no longer agrees to the rules he agreed to prior to the primaries starting up and that of it goes to superdelegates he will basically act like he did last time. This despite the fact that he

I’m pretty sure that strange women will not be fucked in this scenario. Mother wouldn’t have it.

De-tassling corn is a bitch.

Those old farts had their toys, I have mine. I bet that they would have shut up faster if they were within a mile of my place.

Oh goddamn you Filoni, you're not gonna make me tear up a little about clone trooper helmets painted to look like Ahsoka at 9:54 ON A FUCKING WEDNESDAY. NOPE. NOT AT ALL 

Internal memos show that it was considered, but some of the executives associated with Star Wars felt there was too much IP overlap with the First Order.

I’m still struggling to see why they called this a spin-off to Penny Dreadful, rather than make it its own original series, given the apparent lack of connection between the two.

Oddly appropriate username

If that gun turned up in the Borderlands game I think it would be called “The Compensator”.

Now playing

Come on Joan- this is not the proper headline “Some soccer people got married”

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

Speaking as a fellow Who Dat Cajun with a Ph.D., please shut the fuck up.

In 50 years this will be very helpful to take pictures of skyscrapers. 

What does the crash mean, though?

Do the social aspects ramp up slowly no matter when you start playing, or is this the sort of thing where waiting six months to play it means the player base will have already built up a "complete" infrastructure? I think of your story about the snowy peaks, and how it felt like you were expanding on the work of the

Damn the man.

Dear Deadspin’s overlords:

Help me, I stuck to sports and now I can’t get all this sports off of me. Can you guys get Jolie Kerr to do an article about the best way to get sports off of a nice dress shirt?

The ones that turn out to be humans with ill intent scare me far more than the ghosts. See: the farmhand one and the Cincinnati apartment one from recent years.

The scariest thing about the ouija board story is that a Chick Tract gained enough sentience to write it!