
Explains why mine is dead, heh.

No way, Frank Lampard is in Manchester now.

Came here to post Leo, was not disappointed to find someone already had.

Just for her, I hope Reading clobber Arsenal.

I wonder if that created an early secondary market for Type-0? I could be convinced to pick it up cheap now and hold on to it for when I actually get a PS4. :)

Yeah, I was there too, and I was pretty annoyed that they thought that was a thing (or even more annoyed if it actually was!). I was sitting there saying to myself, “I don’t even have a PS4 and then there are these jokers totally ignoring a decent looking game?”

I already had a personal website because that's what I do. I made our wedding website as a subdomain of the main site, and it had online RSVP and everything (pretty big deal in 2002!). If I had it to do over again, it probably would have been a separate site since my wife and I had already determined that she was

I'm sure someone beat me to this already, but, if you're in a market and haven't yet, go to an MLS game. I grew up playing the sport (and still do) but never went to a pro game until I was already in my 30s, and it made me frustrated that I'd never done it before. It's a great amalgamation of the things you can enjoy

All in on this. My toddler loves princesses and Star Wars equally, and her mom and I both are in STEM fields. Our whole family will love this stuff, and I’m about to go have a look at the backreferenced Land’s End stuff too.

#highlighttruther ?

I knew I was going to be too slow in sending this in. I was too busy laughing and simultaneously feeling horrible for laughing.

You know, I seem to recall seeing some posts very similar to that over the last couple years around the end of March.

Ugh. I have just enough connection to Harvard that my Facebook feed is going to be really obnoxious for a few days until they get hammered in round one.

Yeah, I didn't watch the game last night because my wife and her friends rented Birdman and I got sucked in, but I'd tried my Comcast SAP option before kickoff and it didn't work for me either. I suspect that will bother me over the course of the season because I support a small market team less likely to get the

If you can process bears through your kidneys, you deserve to pee wherever you please.

I'm a Cards fan - not rabid, allegedly not stupid - who lived in KC for a few years, and having never been to the K I decided to get tickets behind home plate for a game. Royals fans harassed us the whole game through. Jerk fans are everywhere, man - but I do have to admit that the Cards have almost as many of them as

Now playing

Heretofore, Bethany Cosentino's best work remains this, featuring for Go! Team.

I'm glad Square Enix answered you, because they didn't respond to me. Go figure! :)

I just do not understand the rationale behind reinstating her. It's time to cut bait - I don't think you can even argue that the USWNT has a better shot at the World Cup this year with her versus without.

I bet that 1.5MB image is awesome on mobile. :)