
Don't forget Wrecking Crew. That was actually my favorite of them.

Still looks like a shorter list than foreign DPs coming to MLS!

If you have the chance to play it on PSP, give it a go there. It's far more enjoyable there, and I say that as someone who has full nostalgia for the original. GBA is a good fallback if you can't try PSP.

I've told people for years that Final Fantasy V's monster design was inspired, way beyond that of FF4 and in my opinion even superior to that of FF6. I didn't know until now that it was Nomura's work. Thanks for that!

As a soccer fan, but not of Manchester United, the worst part for me was listening to their fans talk about how worth it that investment was. The pulling out of Europe bit is second place.

Hell, I'm an American and I think Crystal Palace's cheerleaders are weird.

This week, I think a T rider would be happy for any opportunity to think about modes of transportation that aren't the T. :)

If he'd gone in with his left, I think he taps it in. He hit it in running stride with his near foot - I think taking much off of that ball is a lot to ask. But, also, "roofed it in" is an inaccurate way to describe it anyway.

It was the first question my wife and I asked of both of the pediatricians that our daughter has had. The one we had for her first year actually said "I won't let unvaccinated kids in the door unless they're coming in to get vaccinated." That was pretty much all it took for us to make the call - my wife, unlike this

Ah, thanks. Explains why I didn't, as Liverpool fan, recognize the badge at all. :)

I don't really watch La Liga or follow Real - what badge was he making a show of brushing off in the video/gif?

I wonder if you might not be well served to take it in a direction like what C.A. Pinkham did with Kitchenette over at Jez. That would be a sub-blog, which might not be what you're going for, but there's a blend of editorial content straight from Pinkham and a lot of user-submitted content as well. That said, I'm not

So this is already the stuff of Super Mario canon, but I'd almost forgotten about it so I think a quick reminder is in order. Mario Kart's animate barrier characters "Thwomps" are closely related to the "Whomps" from other Mario games, whose creation was inspired by a charming piece of Japanese folklore.

"" ?

I'm so happy I can bring myself to like 'Nando again. It has been a long few years since he left LFC.

Yeah, I've found that since moving back to MA, I only use three presets on my radio, and not one of them is EEI.

This usually is the mark of someone who is a fan who has never actually set foot on campus, in my experience.

Thanks, this is very much the comment I wanted to make when I saw this earlier. Not only that, but even if Haisely's comment is the only possible way to read what Lahm said, doesn't make it so. Do players come from Europe to both the US and Qatar to play in a league that won't stress them as much and also still make

Thanks for this suggestion. My daughter (3 1/2) has a couple games and interactive books on our iPad, but they don't really seem to keep her attention that long. She'd rather be playing Theatrhythm, Final Fantasy Tactics or Ski Safari despite the fact that she's not really able to do much in any of those games. This

Or stay strong and perverse.