Stygian Blue

Normal manufacturers do not make cars that are intended just fall apart after ten years. They get superseded by the next great thing, sure. But they don’t have important components that are designed to fail in that time frame, aside from consumables—which the MCU is not. As I said, the average age of a registered car

I thought they did an update at one point to minimize the use of the flash ram...something like they were logging a ton of [DEBUG] level stuff and they reset the loglevel to [ERROR].

This seems like a bean counter won out somehow. 8GB isn’t a lot and having many more times that amount of storage (64GB, 256GB, etc.) isn’t a large difference. Maybe on the order of $50 or less. That would extend the life of the component by quite a bit since it’s based on wear.

I double dog dare you Bullwinkle to lick that pole!

And here I was just thinking it was because they didn’t want the Moose tongues to get stuck on the cars...

Oh neat, this could be a fun article-

License plates should be like flags. Iconic, even from a distance. No gradients, no photorealistic bullshit, just simple lines and patterns. Bold, high-contrast colors for visibility but with a coherent palette that speaks to the state’s best attributes—if you don’t know what I mean, look at literally anything from

As a Montanan, the 90s are the best, but my favorite is the bicentennial.

NY had those cool statue of liberty plates

Don’t forget, the aerodynamic drag is very noticeable. These things feel like a brick at highway speeds.

and you can always hear them coming because of their big knobby tires

This is something I’ve noticed as well. People drive them like they’re stadium trucks.

I my area, Wrangler drivers are among the fastest drivers on the road. I’ve never understood why considering the lackluster engine and gigantic mud tires. With this extra power, I doubt these owners will have the same sense of responsibility.

Call me when the display can play Gran Turisimo.

I like screens if they show me useful information in a relevant setting. For a daily driver, I’d want to see audio information or navigation stuff. For a track car, I would absolutely love to have something like this. There’s a reason you see so many track builds with a little tablet-like display in place of the

These are literally pleasing to look at. Like, my eyeballs were pleasured staring at these images.

Nope. It looks like a bunch of bland or ugly SUVs were photoshopped together.

Respectfully disagree. That floating roof has been played out by too many brands for too many years now. From the side the vehicle looks super generic. I can’t tell if this a Nissan, Lexus, GM or BMW.

“Prolapsed Assholes Are Still Sexy” -BMW

First.... some eye bleach