Stygian Blue

Is this monstrosity road-legal? Every time I see a lifted truck with huge mud tires, I can’t help but ask how these things can legally be on the road. In the event of a collision, there will be no bumper-to-bumper contact and instead the lifted car will just drive over the other one. If you are really lucky, the lower

So is the hypothesis that the driver was asleep? With his foot on the “gas” pedal? Because unless Tesla’s work wildly differently than other vehicles, I assume if the autopilot was turned off 40 seconds before the impact, the car would have decelerated rather than continued to speed up. That requires manual

Am I missing something or does the article not really have anything to do with the crash? Yes L2 systems should be avoided for this exact reason, but in this particular case, AP is not involved at all and the driver had 40 seconds to react and not deliberately accelerate to well over 100mph. Autopilot caps you to

Look, as someone of Jewish extraction, I make Hitler jokes all the time, all sorts of them, most Jews I know do it, Hitler is absolutely a jerk and I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if Mussolini actually bit his weenie. This could have been a mildly amusing gag gift... But I don’t want to look at the fucking guy every

Torch, you’re overthinking this. You had it in your very first sentence: “I’m a firm believer that everyone should be allowed to modify their own car as they see fit, as long as, you know, those modifications aren’t about hurting anyone.”

The big question: Does it have a SatNav that only goes to Poland?

I guess he did Nazi that.

Makes you wonder why he didn’t go full-tilt boogie with badging...

My wifes q nut mother literally told her biology masters student daughter not to use what she learned in school to counter her “facts” from the youtube prophets and self titled “researchers” she uses to create her worldview.

What shocks me is that he was always going to get 35-40% of the vote. People who will never, ever vote for a Democrat. To get to 47+% means 7 - 12 % of his voters thought he was doing a good job and would be better for the country than Biden.

Median US IQ is 98.  Half are below.

That’s just what the MSM wants you to think, that they are conspiracy theories...

Same here. Was a lifetime Republican until Trump became the nominee in 2016. I correctly predicted there was no bottom with him, but I am shocked almost half the country still agrees with him.

Objective reality itself is a known leftist conspiracy.

75 million people who voted for him, and millions were dancing in the streets when he won. But sure, yeah, he’d have a hard time filling an audience.

That is so patently, obviously untrue, it would be laughable, if it weren’t so pathetically petty.

It may have been an old man jog but he was moving way faster than Trump has moved in decades without needing oxygen.

I had one guy at my work say in the lunchroom “Biden is gonna shut down the economy”

Trump: “All the ILLEGAL Biden ballots were hidden in these Jeeps!!! That’s where they came from, and that’s why it looks like he beat me!!! It’s FRAUD!!! Stop the #bidenjeepvotes! STOP THE COUNT!!!!!1!!

Yes! I was wondering about all the jeeps. The conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this. It’s really unfortunate to know they’ll be missing the bigger picture: those drones were actually pigeons (CIA controlled robots of course) and all the “American flags” were actually green-screened Chinese flags.