You got that right. VERY few woman of child transporting age will be caught dead in a minivan these days. Their grandmothers love them, and so do some dads, which keeps the genre on life support. Today’s “minivan” are the universally stupid 3-row CUV. Which is just a minivan without 50% of the utility for 20% more…
They carefully created the trend, then killed off the other options.
Part of the problem with the “GRRR ME SO ANGRY”aesthetic is that a lot of people have confused badass with dumbass. A true badass doesn’t have anything to prove, they just live it, and if nobody notices, they don’t give a rip. If someone does notice, well, isn’t that nice.
“This is a machine for soccer moms and growing families. This is practicality personified.”
Too many cars look like they’re taking a massive ragedump in their pants, or like they want to punch your mom in the face. A lot of the time, your car is you—it’s what people see of you when you’re in it, it’s your clothing and your face at the same time.
My NB Miata looked very happy.
I got sick and tired of the “GRRR ME SO ANGRY” like ten years ago.
People just seem to hate fun. They have since like, 9/11 happened. Most of the last of the “fun” designs were finalized in the ‘90s. The Acura RSX, the first generation Ford Focus, the New Beetle, the Isuzu Vehicross, the second generation Dodge Neon,…
We need more happy cars. Cars that look like they enjoy being driven. My favorite example of this is the NA Miata. The car exudes happiness.
Look, I’ll level: I am male, and want a fun, fast car that I could throw around the twisties if I didn’t have my partner onboard (something about nausea; I’ll never understand her).
That Odyssey isn’t at the horse ranch, it’s at an equestrian center - i.e. the most expensive sport a child can pursue. The photo is aspirational, but not in the way you think.
Unite what? Gullible uneducated racists?
Law and order fanatic REPEATEDLY breaks the law, is also GOP supporter.
I’m not happy that Biden is going to win, but I’m thrilled that Trump is going to lose.
I think most people that like Trump are decent reasonable people that just want a more conservative minded president. To be honest, I kind of do as well.
FYI the new Trump rally cry I’m already hearing about this is “if BLM hate the cops so much, and ACAB, then how come they sat by and allowed this man to be arrested?! What a bunch of hypocrites!!”