Stygian Blue

This is a fascinating article.

I love these wagons and always wanted one, but I think this price is too high.

Where is the return on investment with another rotary? The Renesis was a complete failure. How can Mazda justify exotic technologies for an engine that will never be efficient enough to meet ever-more-stringent emissions and CAfE standards? A rotary just would never pay the bills, so to speak.

... But was she a true ten or an Engineering Ten?

In the Defense industry, electrical and mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.

Oooh, engineering jokes time!

Wow, this thing is insanely complex. I wonder how bad maintenance is going to be on these, and how much poor maintenance can affect them. For instance, it seems to me that having clean fuel injectors and good spark plugs will make a HUGE difference in operation.

I vote for “apocalyptic” or “Old Testament.”

This is a great idea, but what do I do if I don’t have time to pack my lunch in the morning before work?

I wouldn’t trust Waze too much, either. It once tried to make me drive 7 hours for a 3-hour trip. Fortunately, I already knew the basics of where I was headed and ignored it.

Every GPS I’ve ever used has that option.

I bet if you look into it, W-F primarily did this to people with lower credit scores. And those people are less likely to be financially saavy enough to understand how you can refinance at another bank.


The current administration wants to eliminate or neuter the CFPB.

I agree; Wells Fargo needs to be sued, litigated, and fined into oblivion.

I’m betting it has to do with your credit score. Banks generally prey on those with lower scores, since those people are less likely to be financially literate enough to know their rights.

I agree. Wells Fargo has already demonstrated their indency and untrustworthiness; they should be made an example out of. The company needs to be sued and fined to the point where the only choice left to it is a buyout by a slightly-less-sleazy Wall Street firm.

I just tell people I’m a professional giggolo.

Your company will reimburse you?! Mine won’t. Tips have to come out of my own pocket, so I avoid anything requiring a tip (restaurants excluded, obviously).

No, this is exactly what I do, and I travel A LOT for business. I can’t voucher tips, and I’m sure as hell not paying out of my own pocket for them, so I leave the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. I can make my own bed, thank you.