
Where do people think the fat went? Into the corset?

It isn’t. This is what I kept trying to tell my mom who wanted me to wear one after having my second baby. It won’t do anything, it just rearranges the fat, it doesn’t make it disappear. If you haven’t lost the weight, it will not work for you.

Ugh, I totally hate where my spleen is. If I could just move it up a bit, I’d be totally hot.

“Corsets do not cause you to permanently lose fat in the midsection: they cause a re-distribution of the fat and organs in the trunk.”

I’m an 80 year mystery novelist and I love it. I make it a point to watch Shakespeare adaptations, no matter how far from the source material it is.

Hey what’s that line when Channing Tatum says something like, Dude why you gotta objectify women like that?” I die.

Like the trope of dads trying to prevent their daughters from dating until they’re 30. To protect the “innocence” of their precious little girl. I’d say most fathers don’t sexualize their daughters.

How is it that even with such a horrific crime newspapers STILL manage to try and paint the sex offender as a victim with words like that?

Set this guy on fire, put him out. Rub with salt, Light him on fire again.

Are you saying Donald Trump is a “normal” man? Because he is exactly the type of person that would do something like this: a narcissist who can only think of himself and how many of his years he’s given up. He’s the type of man who believes his daughters are his property. And it’s not just our hyper-sexual culture

Acknowledging your daughter is a sexual being is one thing, and is probably good for maintaining a healthy relationship. But yeah. I... don’t actually think that normal men look at their daughters as potential sexual partners. In fact, I would argue that that would then classify that man as “not normal.”

I have 3 girls.

You’re brave too <3

But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners.

sadly true :(

no I know, he is really exceptionally fucking awful. But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners. Donald Trump jokes about this shit. This guy is just on the far-flung fringe of sexualization, he’s not totally off the

but like... his own daughter though

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

If I were this girl’s mother I would be seriously tempted to give up years of my life in prison just to brutally murder this man.