
And as one guy once told my best friend who rejected him, he probably had a penis that hung to his knees and she just didn’t know how good he really was with it. With hand gestures and crotch grabbing and more colorful language, of course.

And if you caved and told him yes and went on a date that you pay your own way for and explained you were not interested in anything more than friendship, then he would be pissed that you “led him on” by accepting. Sigh.

I agree...She is my favorite character and I love Danai Gurira. It is appalling that she is getting so little from that show.

I do not have the link, but on a Walking Dead fan forum, someone posted a list of how much the actors and Kirkland have earned from the show. It might have been older, but Danai Gurira, arguably a major cast member who first appeared in the season two finale, was listed as having made only $500,000...the lowest number

Doesn’t it also reference John Wick (starring Keanu Reeves) and his dog?

Then they went and put both of them in the third Spider-Man movie just to make it worse.

I agree; there is nothing here saying he did anything wrong.

They did the movie together and do lots of fanservice things and cons together, too.

Not getting along with a co-star doesn’t make him an asshole; he is awesome to fans and he certainly seems to get along with his former co-stars from Firefly. We don’t know what happened between them to cause the friction.

So is the entire Eastern seaboard? Do you just not like Louisiana because of the majority politics, or are you just saying people in flood/hurricane zones deserve their disasters? Given the fact that thousands of people in north Louisiana just lost everything in flash floods a few weeks ago, that is pretty harsh.

Are you being sarcastic? Because if you aren’t, name ONE place in this country where natural disasters are not a risk. No reason to single out those in certain areas prone to just one or two types of problems when earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, mudslides, tsunamis, volcanoes, dust storms, hurricanes/typhoons,

I love this show so very much, but it breaks my heart every time I watch it, and I am not even sure why. I get teary when the opening credits roll and am seized with melancholy.

Now playing

Never has this song been more appropriate...

What a butthead.

Horace Goodspeed.

He was not Roger Linus. He was Horace Goodspeed, the man who built the cabin.

Well this is way late, but I used to work in a daycare and picked up a few nasty bugs...mostly colds, and on one occasion, pink-eye, but the worst was the stomach bug from hell. I missed about two weeks of my sophomore year in college from this, and I definitely should have gone to the doctor, but I would not have

I am no vegan but I love seaweed!

Annie Chun’s Wasabi Seaweed snacks are so good.