
Love the movie, and I still want the recipe for Marshmallow Mermaid Pie!

Not really though. Just because someone chooses not to be sexually active does not mean they are asexual or that they have any hang-ups. Sometimes people just choose not to have sex and that is not abnormal at all.

It really is not as unlikely as you might think.

I think she is, but the Wolf would not know that necessarily. She and TTara were p pretty glad to reunite in the end.

One of my favorite parts of the movie....I loved that everyone was paired up and matching, lol. I was about twelve at the time, so I was really into the outfits.

Me too! I loved Girl for All Seasons!

I have always loved Grease 2 a lot more!

Well, he just hide for her to pay attention to him. The twins had a thing for him, but Stephanie did not...until she got to know him. She was glad it was him in the end.

I looooooooooooove Grease 2.

I had a geology lab TA who looked exactly like that guy with short hair...and yes, he wore those itty bitty denim cut off shorts!

I knew she was a singer and has been on Broadway, but I have not been able to find a video of her really singing and they keep her from it on OITNB. I have been waiting to hear her sing for three years, and finally, finally....perfection! Also, she is beautiful. That is all. Long live Queen Uzo!!!!

Finally...UZO ADUBA!

Whether or not there are actual affiliations, wouldn’t their influence factor in at the very least as much as people insist the PP video makers are complicit in that shooting?

I think the worst thing about this story is that people died and their loved ones are left bereft, that it even happened at all.

Yes, that sounds cold blooded, but it is better to be brutally honest about things before an actual child gets involved and could get hurt. Some people may not care about race, but their family might, and some people cannot even accept adopted children at all. People need to put any idealism aside (I am a total

Not just from the system. The reasons they are in the system like abuse, neglect, pre-natal drug addictions...all of those things can do serious damage.