I think you meant to write Dina Lohan wants Ru$$ian grandkid$.
I think you meant to write Dina Lohan wants Ru$$ian grandkid$.
Oh come on, she’s nowhere near being a household name the way Melissa McCarthy became after Bridesmaids.
Thank you! I think feminists fought for sexual freedom for so long that not wanting sex came to regarded with suspicion. As in, “if you’re not having lots of fun sex that may or may not involve a relationship by the time you’re 18, it’s because you’re repressed / ashamed / something is wrong.” Which is fucked up…
I agree. Plenty of people are raised this way without being rural, uneducated, un-athletic, white, or Duggars.
Thank you!! I waited until a bit older than “normal” (25) for no reason other than it just wasn’t the right time for me. I don’t ever feel the need to justify my decision or make excuses for why I waited - I just did. So what. I don’t really like how many people here feel that they have to qualify why they…
I’m 32, a virgin, and all those other things except Godly (atheist).
I just cannot read that name any other way than Jing-er, rhyming with ringer. Duggers, there is NO WAY y'all ran out of J names that fast and were absolutely forced to bastardize the name of a root. COME ON.
I was a virgin until I was 29. I was waiting for the right person- and I didn't meet him until later in life. It happens. Not that I hate on anyone who has sex sooner- sex is a personal decision and you should be able to do it whenever you want without people judging you.
She seems to have handled it in a remarkably chill way, at least in public. Personally, I would feel the need to move to Outer Mongolia as soon as possible.
She sounds sane and delightful. We do not choose our parents.
Jesus, go be edgy somewhere else. You’re awful.
As someone who has been battling stage IV cancer since May of 2015, I can say it has been really difficult to see the progression of the disease and death of this woman. I have a no sharing policy with my husband and father about my situation, other than the basics. No pictures, blog, long Facebook updates. I’ve also…
God, thank you. I lost somebody much more unexpectedly and bloodily than cancer, and the pain of losing him only became manageable when I listened to other people’s stories of their losses. We don't all grieve in the same way, and I'm frankly in awe of how brave Joey Feek was in her battle with cancer. She knew…
Maybe I am naive, but I really didnt expect to see so much bullshit cynicism in these replies. This man just lost his wife, this child her mama, and this lovely woman her life. Have some fucking empathy and maybe don’t try to monday night quarterback the way people choose to deal with the terminal illness of their…
Omg we already have a vaccine. Big Pharma has played you all like fiddles! Keep up!
Am I the only one who thinks the news feeds on this virus read right out of a Plague, Inc. scenario? First it’s spread in warm weather environments. Second it’s pretty unnoticeable. But then it focuses its efforts in Brazil, right when the frickin Olympics are taking place (this is literally one of the bonuses you get…
So if you don’t want to get raped, don’t leave your house because there are rapists everywhere. But also, don’t be afraid of getting raped when you go out because that’s insulting to men
So edgy.
As others have said, that will happen later in the series! I don't think there's an actual attempt to exclude here. Not a lot of 18th century black Scottish highlanders.
There have not been black actors yet but there are some prominent black characters in the books so they will show up eventually. The problem with the historical locations of England and Scotland is that they were pretty white, it’s not an excuse but it is accurate. At least it’s got feminism.