
As much as I despise Texas and the school for the way they want about this, absolutely nothing here seems right from that family. For one, the clock was basically a nothing thing in the first place. Two, the kid has gotten an absolutely insane amount of attention out of it. Three, they moved to fucking Qatar. Four,

Kanye, we are not trying to censor your “creativity and art.” Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from criticism. I will never understand people using a first amendment type defense in order to tell people to stop criticizing them.

If you haven’t seen the Kanye Jordan Twitter account, do it now. The concept, put the words “Liz Lemon” in front of any Kanye West tweet and see how much it seems like something Tracy Jordan would say.

I spent all of my Friday night watching this sitting in my pajamas and group texting all of my late twenties friends who were also doing the same. Our consensus is that it kind of sucks but none of us care. They definitely know their audience and have a lot of little *winks* to the camera throughout.

Both, dammit. Tonight the bowl holds my soup and the plate holds my grilled halloumi and I am not mixing the two.

Plates allow me the space to commingle my food as I desire. I cannot deny the necessity of bowls, but I prefer to be in charge of just how mixy my foods get, thankyouverymuch gooddaysir.

My response to the Adele thing was The Grammys don’t know how to do sound for people who actually know how to sing anymore.

My husband and I simultaneously cheered, Darryl has a rocket launcher! It was a glorious episode. He should put down the compound bow and just stick to the rocket launcher.

I really disliked this episode and it had nothing to do with Sam being eaten (sorry Sam, I’m with Carol on this one, you were never gonna make it and she should have just taken you out back one day to look at some flowers. Maybe then your mom would still be alive).

yes! haircut lady gets offed, Rick & Michonne can get together! :D

I loved it, from that shit eating expert in the beginning to the entire group kicking ass at the end.

No you’re not in the minority. The fans overwhelming loved the episode. I loved the episode.

Wow this was not the reception I had anticipated. I quite enjoyed last night’s episode even with the last minute saves. Despite all the kid deaths it felt really hopeful, like for the first time we can see TWD moving past super depressing we are all just cannon fodder for walkers vibe it’s been on lately.

Frankly, if I had been Jessie, I probably would have told Sam to stay in the house, and we would come back later to get him, maybe.

I actually loved the entire thing. Including the death of the rest of the Porchdick family. I didn’t hate them (ok, I lied, I hated Ron) but I cheered when they got taken out. It was violent, gross, and inevitable from the moment Sam didn’t just go to the damn church.

Yeah, I was watching with a group of friends and we all thought it was a great episode. Getting rid of the annoying family was the cherry on top.

It’s a weird disconnect. Everyone I know who watches the show loved this episode

You know you’re up against of a hell of a wall when you hand your baby off to Father Gabriel, but I was glad he finally didn’t fuck it up.

I’ve always been convinced they would go there with Carl’s eye at some point. Pretty sure Rick’s never going to lose a hand though, as that would just be too fucking annoying, practically-speaking.

I thought it was a phenomenal episode. Well, except when Abraham and company saved Glenn with a spray of machine gun fire. Then I was like, really? All those bullets, and nothing hit Glenn? Not even a graze?