
As a European this got a slight shrug from me when I first read it. Is it really so common to not have some kind of ID and is it really so hard to obtain one?

There’s a double standard here, too. White musicians wear Che Guevara t-shirts so much it’s a cliche and nobody thinks it’s much more than a fashion statement, but Beyoncé puts her dancers in black berets and suddenly she’s a full-on Black Panther? It’s ridiculous.

I try. I try so hard with Kanye, because I think some of the shit that is rained down on him has at least a little to do with the color of his skin, but good lord that man is a full-fledged man-child asshole. It’s like performance art at this point, but really bad performance art where the guy stands in the middle of

I think he asked for her blessing to write a lyric saying he should collect on having sex with Taylor Swift for making her famous.

May I make a correction? Christianity isn’t doing it wrong, stupid people claiming to be Christians are doing it wrong. We are most definitely not all the same.

YES! I don’t hate her because 1) she can act and 2) she is striking while the iron is hot. I am more mad at directors, producers and casting agents who aren’t looking for new talent but keep on returning to the same small pool over and over again.

Agreeing with Trump on anything is totally frightening to me. I may have a fever.

I’ve never understood why people don’t realize this: when you raise your kid to be an asshole, you’re not doing them any favours. However aw-shucks cute some people might find it when your 8 year old calls adults foul names while behaving like Marie Antoinette, this will get them nowhere in adult life; shunned and

Pimping out your kid to reality TV in the first place is pretty awful. I don’t condone people who mock her/praise her horrible behaviour, but none of that would be happening if her subhuman troll parents hadn’t put her on camera in the first place.

Her parents have fucked her up.

Do you SERIOUSLY need it explained why making fun of a small child whose bad behavior is very much linked to bad parenting is not a good idea?

I have 2 toddlers and teach primary school, so I’m well aware that kids can be huge jerks. But adults making fun of a child (even one on a reality show) seems wrong to me.

ALL kids are assholes, though. Every single last one of them. And if this kid has an extra layer of asshole to her, I’m sure it’s the fault of her shitty parents.

I’m with you, sis.

Yeah i mean this kid has some behavioral issues but i think she is reacting to an incredibly tempestuous environment. It can't be easy growing up giudice, having your every move caught on camera because your parents are fame whores who don’t understand the need for better discipline and boundary setting.

Sorry to be “that person” at the party, but I can’t get onboard with mocking this kid. Her convicted criminal parents have forced her to be on tv since she was little, I can’t help but pity her.

I don’t hate this nearly as much as I was prepared to. I really liked Julianne Hough in Rock of Ages, and if anyone can get the good girl/bad girl thing that ONJ did it’s her, so I was a wee bit hopeful. I LOVE Kether Donohue, so that was a pleasant surprise! CRJ as Frenchie isn’t bad, either. My 11 year old daughter

You get me.

I always felt that Danny was an idiot with no personality. And I agree that the secondary characters were more interesting in the first movie.

Absolutely agree. I actually feel that the original Grease has some serious pacing issues and severe case of Secondary-Characters-Are-Way-More-Interesting syndrome, there is a much better movie hidden inside starring Rizzo. And Danny and Sandy’s entire story is undercut by the fact that no one really dislikes Sandy so