
I don’t think her point was “I’m tired of reading about white boys and also about dogs” it was “I’m tired of reading about white boys and their dogs.” I remember reading several “white dude and a dog” books in school - Where the Red Fern Grows, White Fang, The Call of the Wild, (granted that’s kind of London’s whole

Considering several other reporters who were there concluded that the man in question was the rude one, I’m going with HE’S the “little dick”. Adjusting a volume is totally different than conducting this mini-interview from behind a screen. Looking down to take a note is again, completely different from holding up &

He was taking pictures and videos, and as a result, fumbled his own question.

It’s because she dared to act like winning an Oscar was something she wanted and was very excited about. She’s not humble enough, and therefore must be hated.

I still don’t see how any of that is “fucking up,” or how this has become some kind of thing that needs to be attacked or defended.

I will never really understand the Anne Hathaway hate.

That’s very surprising. My mother (who also knew Anne’s father professionally) liked him a lot, and those are qualities she abhorred.

Lawrence is many things but she is not an average actor. Given the quality out there, she can act. And act well.

You said it all. This is exactly what happens. Why do men not have the same treatment?

She’s said some really shitty things, and as far as I know, has never apologized for any of them.

I would agree with you except for the fact that people have been using this incident as an excuse to say “I didn’t like the bitch no-ways!”

It’s been stated numerous times already but he wasn’t using his phone as a translator he was taking pics and video of her while she was trying to answer his questions. He said it himself on Twitter.

“Let’s not continue the sad but common practice of building people — especially women — up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped,”


Yeah, it’s inscrutable. Apparently Hathaway got kicked out of the Cool Kids Club and we missed the notice. How dare she stick up for someone?! I honestly think it has a lot more to do with this quote, where she kind of nails places like this right on the head:

How DARE Hathaway try and be supportive of a fellow actress under fire for some bullshit? I mean, it’s like she has empathy for her or something!

She was hardly a bitch. You don’t look at pictures on your phone when talking to someone. Calling a woman a bitch is very misogynist.

After all the shit Hathaway got for being ambitious, while people fawned over JLAW for behavior that was frequently rude or obnoxious, I have to commend her sterling character for sticking up for the girl she is so often negatively compared against.

Anne Hathaway maybe knows something about being built up, put on a pedestal and then torn down for basically no reason. So good for her for saying something.

Let’s not continue the sad but common practice of building people — especially women — up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped,