
Tesla’s like “everything worked as planned, as we recently changed our acronym...”

I like it except for the vent coloring mentioned in the article, and the fact that the ‘optional’ wing on a $1 million+ car was $38k; Bugatti gets to ask that because they’re Bugatti, and they would probably do something intricate like etch the DaVinci Code into it or something.

So FSD=Full Service Decapitation then?

I think I’d rather have the Kia with less range (my current car doesn’t get 304 miles to a fill up unless highway driving, plus do I really need another 100 miles?), for 40 grand less. I like Lucid and what they’re making, but I’m not built for near 100 grand territory.

Turns out your friend’s neighbor is voting for someone with both characteristics!

It just seems to me like, the police could end this quickly. When there is a crime (and we get grainy surveillance videos), the public is asked to identify a certain car or suspect. In this case, they not only have both (on non-grainy video to boot), but they have licence plate info as well. This could be shut down,

I do like it, despite the rear deck looking like a toilet seat lid.

I know he’s the CEO of a major company and all, does one just “fly a car from Shanghai to Chicago”, title it, and get it on the road, etc.? The government wants to bitch about 24 1/2 year old enthusiast cars coming over here, but Farley was basically like *click* *add to cart* and got a whole-ass car from Chi

Exactly this. I don’t have a problem paying for repairs when it’s a one and done deal (if I had one of those cars that nickel and dimed me to death, I might feel differently). Even when I had two large repair bills in the 13 years I’ve owned my car (a transmission for a few grand, and comprehensive rust repair for

Yeah, this one has 100k less, also in great shape like the one in the post, is only 1 year older and a grand more.

If this is what half the price gets you, I’d rather pay the full price, cause lord knows what that looks like underneath, not to mention they couldn’t even be bothered to marginally clean the car. If they don’t care, I probably don’t either.

I seriously thought this article was gonna be about something like this:

Granted, this guy worked there, but as a whole, I don’t understand people who go to countries like that and are surprised they wind up in some mess cause they have these draconian laws/rules. Like years ago, those Americans who were jailed for Iran. You have the entire world to go hiking in...and that’s

I do agree with you, and often wonder if it’s because you can grow weed for a small outlay and profit from it (if you choose to go that route), but most people aren’t gonna bother making their own alcohol, apart from those people with home breweries or those that make wine, and the fact that you can sell the weed,

What makes this interesting is, where I live, there is a place that provides abortion services (I know this because for the longest time, protestors used to march outside of it with their gross pictures and crosses and stuff).

Just sell yours, and 3D print more!

Considering how many millionaires/billionaires there are out there, and the fact that no non millionaires or billionaires (or, really anyone for that matter) want to buy any of Jaguar’s current offerings, well, offering as they only make the F-Pace’d think they’d all want something this bespoke instead of

“Even still ignoring the fact that many F150 owners use their cars well past 150k”

I think you crossed the quote about yesterdays article with todays; this is regarding yesterdays:

Chevy: Like A Rock